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Sriracha: A Strange Origin

Sriracha is a sauce that is becoming more and more popular among fans of exotic flavors. More and more people are getting excited...

Pink Salt Diamonds, Thai luxury in small

Diamantes de Sal Rosa is the smallest and most exclusive restaurant in Madrid. It consists of a single table and its menu is part of Thai food.

Live animal markets, a threat to everyone's health?

Dogs, pangolins, bats ... There are many animals that are exposed alive in markets where people obtain them at low prices.

Ten rare animals that are edible!

Do you know what are the rarest edible animals in the world? We show you here the ten most surprising!

Jellyfish sneak into haute cuisine

Its pests are of concern, but the jellyfish is used and eaten in Asian dishes, although it could spread to other cuisines in the world. Find out more here.