Home Seafood Awarded to the Galician PDO Mexillón

Awarded to the Galician PDO Mexillón

Galician mussel

La PDO Mexillón de Galicia obtains the award for best Designation of Origin of Galicia. It has been in the VII Edition of the Galicia Executive Awards. This award is granted by the Executive magazine and recognizes the work developed by the Regulatory Council of the DOP Mexillón de Galicia. In its ten years of experience that it is now fulfilling.

This DOP achieved in 2007 its inscription in the registry of the European Commission. It was the culmination of a work started in 1989 by a group of people who decided to promote the quality of mussel. Both in cultivation activities and in their elaboration, transformation and distribution. With the aim of offering the consumer a product in accordance with their expectations and demands.

An award that recognizes the good work of the DOP Mexillón de Galicia

Galician mussel In this way, he was acceding to a territory restricted until then to food from the land. It became the first PDO of a seafood product recognized by the UE. That was the germ from which the banner emerged, which guarantees a mussel with a superior quality and a hundred percent Galician origin. Or what is the same: authenticity.

That initial impulse to make the Galician mussel a brand with the ability to transcend beyond the Galician region. This has been increased by all those who have had the responsibility of directing the destinies of the DOP.

An effort that has been highly valued by the promoters of that award. They have considered that PDO Mexillón de Galicia "He has been symbolizing the authentic for ten years."

La Executive magazine, with more than 27 years among the economic press of this country, has organized for seven years the PExecutives Galicia. With these awards it is intended to praise the work of Galician companies and institutions, for their effort, dedication and good work.
