Home Seafood Mussel from Galicia, the taste of the authentic

Mussel from Galicia, the taste of the authentic

Galician mussel

Authentic. “Certification with which the authenticity and truth of something is testified”. Today we bring up one of the meanings that are collected in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy relating to the adjective authentic. We believe that the appointment is entirely timely for anyone who approaches the distinctive of Mussel from Galicia.

And it is that our brand represents a value series that we will go through next. Merits that have been accumulating thanks to the effort and good work of many people. Perhaps they are precisely synthesized using this adjective: authentic. A guarantee if we look at the troubled global scenario in which we operate. In which opportunists of all conditions roam freely, ready to give what they cannot. In front of those, Mussel from Galicia offers consumers certainty and truth in sum.

The authenticity of Mussel from Galicia

That authenticity has become its main asset and is displayed through the stamp 'Mussel from Galicia. Protected Designation of Origin', a banner that represents a guarantee for the consumer. A definitive guarantee that they are before the best mussel in the world, grown, transformed and made in Galicia.

With strict quality controls supervised by the Regulatory Council of the PDO. A process that begins in its breeding phase and continues until it reaches the market as an adult specimen. This rigorous monitoring makes it a creditor of the label it carries, granted by the European Union.

The seal of the DOP It is the only one empowered to guarantee the quality of the product and its XNUMX% Galician origin. This has been recognized by the courts of Justice. Therefore, any other mention of Galicia that appears on the labels, such as “from the Galician estuaries” or “made in Galicia”. This will only serve to alert the consumer that they are facing something that has nothing to do with Mussel from Galicia.

Quality factors of our mussels

And what makes such special Mussel from Galicia? Various factors. The wealth in phytoplankton of the waters of the estuaries in which it grows, recognized by the FAO. also good practice of the men and women who have made this activity their livelihood. Just like him cultivation system made in the trays.

In this natural method, since the mussel just eat the nutrients from the sea. Sustainable for the environment, since by fixing CO2 when they form their shells, the mussels contribute to the fight against climate change. Also efficient because in just 17 months the mussel reaches its commercial size.

All of the above allows obtaining a unmatched product. With an intense and striking color and a delicious taste of the sea. In addition, in any of its commercial formats fresh, preserved, cooked, frozen, pasteurized and in fifth-range elaborations. A) Yes, Mussel from Galicia offers great versatility in the kitchen.

A very interesting product for its nutrients

From a nutritional point of view, it is a food very healthy: rich in protein and low in fat (the ones it has are the so-called good ones like Omega 3). It is source of B12, B2 and B9 vitamins, as well as mineral salts such as iron, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine and zinc.

We are, therefore, before the total, rich and nutritious food, For all ages. Able to offer its best qualities prepared in a simple way or as an ingredient in the most refined recipe. Finding this marine treasure is easy. Look for the Galician Mussel stamp and you will find it.
