Home Fruits and vegetables Pak Choi, a Chinese vegetable integrating

Pak Choi, a Chinese vegetable integrating

Just a few years ago, the consumption of vegetables like Pak choi was dedicated to recipes and asian restaurants but this is already part of the past. Many of our farmers already massively grow vegetables like this one of Asian origin and that until recently nobody knew In our country. Now many more consumers include this healthy product in their dishes. This long-leaved cabbage and looking like a chard, it has come to stay and gradually integrated into our increasingly cosmopolitan and diverse diet.

This cabbage is an important ingredient in the great Chinese gastronomy for millennia, although it is very popular also in Japan, Korea and other Asian countries. It is also known by the name of Bok choi and scientifically with the Latin name of Brassica chinensis. It is part of the cabbage family such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, cabbage and red cabbage.

Its flavor is soft and slightly bitter raw. However, when cooked it becomes soft and crisp in texture on the stem. They are often found in oriental supermarkets and increasingly in local markets. Its size is about 30-40 cm although there are some very interesting baby varieties.

pak choy
Pak choi

Pak choi properties

It is a very rich vegetable in Vitamins from group B like B1, B2, cB3. Also in vitamin A and C as well as folic acid, iron, magnesium and potassium. In all this we would highlight the contribution of football, since in Chinese medicine it is used in infusion for the contribution of this mineral and as an anti-inflammatory.

On the other hand, its high content in fiber and low caloric value, only 10 calories per 100 grams, make at least pak choy a very interesting vegetable for slimming diets.

In the kitchen

As an ingredient it is really versatile, can be used in stir-fries wok, as a vegetable in broths like Ramen, so fashionable today. Also at the time of doing rolls, as well as accompanying meat and fish.

El pak choy it is a sensitive vegetable and it should not be cooked for a long time, as it would lose the crispiness of the stem. Lovers of this product emphasize that it is a good companion to all hot spices in any recipe. A simple example is to make it in a wok along with some garlic and ginger, adding a little vegetable broth. In just a few minutes you will discover a great vegetable and an excellent taste!


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