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What is tofu? Find out

Surely more than once you have heard of the tofu, a food of oriental origin that is increasingly integrated into Spanish society. But do you really know what tofu is? This food also has great benefits that we are now going to tell you about. Continue reading.

What is tofu?

Tofu is a food prepared with soybeans, water and solidifier or coagulant. It is based on the nutritional value of soy protein and its ability to lower blood cholesterol.

This food contains a high protein value that allows us to make a better digestion in relation to meat. Likewise, it has a good contribution of minerals, omega 3 and healthy fats. In addition it is highly recommended for people with high cholesterol.

What is tofu
Tofu | Source: Danza de Fogones (pinterest.com)

Can it become a substitute for meat?

When we hear about the tofu most of the time we associate it with vegetarian or vegan diets. This is because, being a derivative of soy, it is a totally vegetable food that can substitute for meat and that provides us with multiple proteins. 

Tofu contains hardly any fat, so the caloric intake is very low, compared to meat, which, depending on the type, has more or less amount of fat and calories. In addition, it is a very easy food for the body to digest. The nutrients that it gives us are easily assimilated. On the contrary, the meat it tends to be heavier and slows down digestion.

What is tofu
Pea tofu | Source: Chefplus.es

Therefore, to the question of whether can be a substitute for meat, we answer yes. Although it must always be borne in mind that meat is also a source of vitamin B12, zinc and iron and that it is completely healthy for our body. It is as long as it is not abused.
