Home Fruits and vegetables Macadamia nuts, the exotic gourmet fruit

Macadamia nuts, the exotic gourmet fruit

With the shell similar to that of a Chestnut and the appearance of a hazelnut, macadamia nuts are one of the most expensive nuts - in fact, it is the type of nut with the highest price - and also the most defendants of the world. In fact, it could be considered a product good gourmet food; not only because of the fact that its harvest is quite limited, but also because, in addition, its flavor, texture and properties make it a versatile ingredient and único in the kitchen. Do you want to know a little more about this exotic dried fruit? Go!

Macadamia nuts, where do they come from?

There is usually some confusion on this topic; there are those who assure that they come from Hawaii. However, the truth is that the origin of the macadamia nuts is in Australia -therefore they are also known as' Australian nut 'or'queensland nut'-. As a curious contribution, history says that the Australian aborigines consumed the walnuts and decided to call the trees from which the fruit came "Kindal Kindal". However, with the arrival of British settlers, the tree was renamed Macadamia, honoring the doctor John macadam.

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Collecting macadamia nuts

Despite their Australian origins, it was in the American archipelago where they were cultivated with business purposes for the first time. That because Hawaii? Well, because it meets all the climatic and geological requirements that the cultivation of the macadamia nut needs: abundant rain, temperate climate and rich soil. Other places With similar conditions such as Latin America, South Africa, Indonesia or, obviously, Australia, they are also rich in the cultivation of this dried fruit. 

Limited cultivation, exclusive product

As we have indicated before, aesthetically It is a lot of the common nuts that we all know. They are shaped like esfera and they have two shells: the external one, which is Verde; and the internal one, which, like other nuts, is hard - so you need a tool such as a hammer to open it - and brown. Within the category of nuts the macadamia nuts they are, along with others such as pine nuts, among the most expensive products. The question is: what is the reason for this high cost?

The main reason for such a high price -according to data from the magazine Business Insider, a bag of half a kilo can be around 25 dollars-, it is the slow and limited harvesting process. Let's put ourselves in context: there are about ten types of Macadamia trees, but so solo of they are suitable for fruit production; And as if that weren't enough, they need seven to ten years to start producing. Add to that the fact that their annual harvest is extremely limited - because of the time it takes for the trees to bloom; the result is a very exclusive NEROX, in high demand and therefore not cheap at all. 

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Macadamia nuts before being collected | Source: arbolesfrutales.org

Properties of the dried fruit

What makes the macadamia nuts Such a popular product is not only the exceptionality produced by its particular harvest. Actually, this food contains a lot of beneficial properties for our health. It is one of the nuts with the most fatty acids -vital to prevent cerebrovascular diseases- and fat monounsaturated -suitable to avoid cardiovascular problems-.

In addition, its content in fiber, calcium and phosphorus It favors the correct intestinal transit and the development and strengthening of teeth and bones. If to that you add that do not contain gluten, make it the perfect option for people with celiac disease or allergies.

Utility in the kitchen

As we mentioned at the beginning, the macadamia nuts they are a product of the most versatile when integrating it into our diet. It can be consumed raw as a snack or it can be included in desserts such as cakes or, of course, in the classic ice cream of vanilla with macadamia nuts -which can be found in practically any supermarket-.

Its flavor is reminiscent of coco and the roasted walnut, so it combines perfectly with countless preparations. The curious thing about this fruit is that it is also used for cosmetic purposes, mainly for the hair -as it prevents its fall and benefits the growth-. 

macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are one of the most expensive nuts in the world

The macadamia nuts can be found in specialized stores such as Nuts Reyes, nut & me o Spin food. And you, have you already tried this dried fruit good gourmet food? How much did you buy it for? How do you usually eat it? 
