Home Cereals and legumes The best gluten-free cereals

The best gluten-free cereals

The gluten free cereals they are becoming more and more popular over the years. Lately, there are more people who, without needing to be celiac, decide to try to include this food in their Diets. Today we will talk about the different variants of these cereals and we will tell you about the benefits from each of them. Find out!

The most popular gluten-free cereals

Before start to expose the list of the best cereals gluten-free, it is important to make it clear what this substance is. It is a protein which is usually found especially in wheat, barley and rye. People celiac You should eliminate it from your diet. because they are incapable of synthesize this substance naturally. There are many substitutes for them, such as corn or rice. Today, however, we will talk about several that maybe they are more unknown.

Buckwheat or buckwheat

To this food, more than a cereal is considered a pseudo-cereal. The main reason why it is treated like this is that it contains a large amount of amino acids essentials and a large amount of fiber. This has an impact on the fact that it contributes to improving the operation intestinal, thus helping to feel satiated more easily than with other foods. It is widely used in crepes, as it gives them a slightly bitter, but equally delicious flavor. It is certainly one of the alternatives more similar.

gluten free cereals
Buckwheat flour and seeds | Source: I'm celiac, not an alien


La Quinoa is also considered as a pseudo-cereal. The main difference with buckwheat is that it is a substance very rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium and Vitamins. It also has content on fat very low. It is also considered a great source of protein. Its most common uses are usually considered a substitute of rice. Even their cooking is very similar. It is most likely the most popular gluten-free pseudo cereal.


This cereal is very common in the area of Mexicoespecially by the population sportsman. Its main feature is the enormous amount of protein it provides. As if this were not enough, it is also low in fat and rich in minerals, which makes it an ideal option for Diets with perspective Sports. The seeds can be taken both raw, mixing them in yogurt, or cooked in cookies and other preparations. Either way you get a supplement unrivaled nature.

gluten free cereals
Spoon with grains of amaranth | Source: Pixabay


It has the honor of being considered the most little of the world. Its most noteworthy feature is that it is a good substitute of wheat, and even has more nutrients that he. Extremely rich in essential fatty acids and amino acids, in addition to containing Vitamins, proteins and minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium. Teff is a good source of fiber that favors the burning of fat and in turn that contributes a large amount of Energy.

What's good

El What's good is a super cereal. It is easily the cereal that most minerals and protein contains all of the list. However, despite being so nutritive and being gluten-free, many celiacs feel inconvenience by consuming it. For non-celiacs, however, it provides iron, folic acid and is a very beneficial cereal for the good health of our hair and nails. In the kitchen it also has many uses and with it we can make recipes ranging from meatballs to salads.

gluten free cereals
Gluten Free Oat Bran | Source: Active Family

gluten free oats

Finally, we are going to talk about the oats gluten-free. Oats are a cereal rich in protein and healthy fats. The vitamin B and several minerals such as iron, calcium or phosphorus are also present in its composition. It also contains a large number of fiber, which is an important help to control the cholesterol. The biggest problem with this cereal is that special care must be taken when choosing the one we are going to consume. It is important to make sure it is gluten free oatmeal.

What do you think? Did you know all these alternatives to cereals with gluten? It is certainly an issue to keep in mind if you know someone who cannot eat this type of cereal.
