Home Beverages Life Brewery: Its Curious Circular Economy

Life Brewery: Its Curious Circular Economy

La circular economy is the present and Life Brewery he knows. Every day the number of entrepreneurs willing to extend the life of resources increases. The startup Spanish converts waste from the manufacture of beer en feed for fish. In this way, nothing is lost and the planet wins. How does this whole process work? Do you dare to try a trout fed with waste? What others similar projects exist?
The first thing is to define the circular economy. This is a strategy that limits the input of resources to production and the output of waste. It does so using as raw material components of existing products. Therefore, it reduces what we take from nature. It is basically based on the recycling. It is illustrated by the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle.


Why is Life Brewery revolutionary?

Life Brewery is a company with a revolutionary idea. Use by-products that are generated in the manufacture of beer to feed fish de aquaculture. They do this through a process of hydrolysis. So they break the protein of by-products to make it more digestible and smaller.

At the Basque technology center AZTI has driven Life Brewery. Researchers have created several types of ingredients. For this, they have used 6 million tons of bagasse and one of yeast. These were going to be thrown away if they hadn't been reused. It's a shame because they are high in vegetable protein.

Fish Life Brewery

The bagasse and yeast take advantage of them through a process of dehydration low carbon. Technologies are used mechanical y thermals to get the ingredients that will feed the fish.

The first to try the feed have been the sole, golden and trout. These species belong to Atlantic, Mediterranean coast y sweet water, respectively. Sensory analyzes carried out by the company say that there is no difference in the flavor. They find nothing to distinguish the taste or texture of those raised on traditional feed.

Aftermath of Life Brewery

The idea of ​​taking advantage of beer waste comes from the fish feeding. In aquaculture it is mainly used fish feed to feed these animals. This flour is extracted from fishery. With the new feed, the number of fish taken from the sea can be reduced.

Bank of fish
Bank of fish

Also I know will reduce costs in aquaculture. That is why it contributes to the objectives of the new Common Fisheries Policy of the EU. This is why the 60% of its budget comes from European funds. It also reduces the costs of beer waste management. Not to mention that the brewers will be able to sell something that they were going to throw away.

Other Spanish examples 

The examples of circular economy are endless. Souji It is a Catalan brand. Your name means cleaning in Japanese. As well as Life Brewery recycles beer waste, this one does it with oil. It has launched a liquid based on minerals and vegetables. Mixing with used oil and shaking for one minute creates a detergent.

The idea may scare you, used to this recycling being done with caustic soda. Nothing is further from reality. The ingredients are natural. This is why detergent is a 96% less polluting than conventional ones. That is why your children are not in danger when making the mixture. It's not dangerous.

Natural soap bars
Natural soap bars

Catherine Trujillo, one of the founders, ensures that it does not leave a smell of oil on the clothes. In addition, it emphasizes that respect for the the environment it is present in the whole process. Therefore, containers of the product are reused and reusable.

Another example is the Aragonese feltwood. Take advantage of waste originally agricultural y vegetable. It transforms them into packaging, furniture and insulation for construction. It has managed to create biodegradable products. It has done this by recycling part of that 40% of agricultural production that is discarded.

As a last example we mention popsicase. This company makes mobile phone cases with fishing nets. Another ingredient in sleeves is aluminum scrap. In addition, it promotes the recycling of its own used covers.

Life Brewery has understood the circular economy very well. The means of the planet are limited and we need alternatives if we do not want them to run out. Thus, alternatives like these mentioned help us to live on a better planet without destroying ecosystems. You already know: reduce, reuse y recycle!
