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Energy drinks: A double-edged sword

The success of energy drinks

All the energy drinks They have gained popularity as a quick remedy for fatigue and lack of energy in a society that demands constant efficiency. Without a doubt, they have managed to satisfy a need and managed to become commonplace on supermarket shelves, vending machines and bars around the world.

Red Bull being a pioneer in the market, we currently have a great diversity of brands and flavors. What they all have in common are the large amounts of caffeine and, in several cases, sugar. Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system that delays drowsiness; however, it also generates nervousness, anxiety, increases heart rate, etc.

The risks of energy drinks

The great example of the natural presence of this substance is coffee But you may wonder why energy drinks are viewed less well.

To begin with The amounts of caffeine in one of these soft drinks are usually double those of an espresso, but what is really worrying is who consumes them. Its presence in libraries, its sweet taste and the great advertising that production companies do to give a fun and youthful image are some of the reasons why many adolescents and young people become habitual consumers.

As time goes by, the body adapts to the levels of caffeine and a greater amount is required to obtain the same results. This in the long term generates a addiction which should be avoided at all costs, especially in the little ones who are sometimes not aware of the consequences of their actions.

Be careful with mixtures

It is important to emphasize the danger that it entails mix these drinks with alcohol, something very common. The combination can cause a false feeling of euphoria that can quickly lead to intoxication, in addition to generating arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies. In this context, Galicia will be one of the first communities to regulate its sale to minors to avoid accidents and vices in this population group.

Although it can be useful in certain situations, try to be responsible in your intake and remember: anything in excess is bad.
