Home News Obesity, the great challenge to face

Obesity, the great challenge to face

Today, March 4, is World Obesity Day, a constantly growing public health problem. This problem and challenge of our society has become a global concern that affects people of all ages and social classes. In Spain, according to the recent ENE-COVID study, about 19,3% of men and 18,0% of women suffer from obesity. Future projections indicate an annual increase of 1,9% in incidence until 2035. This panorama highlights the urgency of adopting effective measures as soon as possible to address this public health problem. This phenomenon not only represents a burden on health systems, but also has significant repercussions on people's quality of life and the economy in general.

One of the main factors contributing to obesity is a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Modern technology has led to an increase in physical inactivity, as many people spend long hours in front of screens instead of participating in physical activities. Additionally, the availability of foods high in fat and added sugars has led to excessive caloric intake. These factors combined create a breeding ground for the development of obesity.

Obesity is an important collective and individual challenge

The consequences of obesity are diverse and go beyond simple aesthetic concerns. Obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers, are on the rise. All of this places additional pressure on healthcare systems. Furthermore, obesity can have a significant psychological impact, as people may face stigmatization and discrimination, which affects their self-esteem and mental health.

Addressing the problem of obesity requires a multifaceted approach involving governments, industries, communities and, most importantly, individuals. Public policies should promote environments conducive to physical activity, such as parks and recreational spaces, and encourage exercise. All this while regulating unhealthy food products. Food industries have a key role in reformulating products to reduce fat and sugar content, as well as promoting healthier options.

At the community level, educational programs must be implemented that promote healthy lifestyle habits from an early age. Raising awareness about the importance of a balanced diet and regular physical activity may be the key to preventing obesity and its associated complications.

At the individual level, personal responsibility plays a crucial role. Taking a mindful approach to eating, exercising regularly and seeking support when needed are important steps. Small lifestyle modifications, such as choosing to walk instead of driving or choosing healthier food options, can make a difference in the long term.

In summary, obesity is a global challenge that requires a coordinated response at all levels of society. From public policies to individual decisions, every step counts in the fight against this public health problem. Addressing obesity not only improves people's health, but also relieves the burden on health systems and contributes to building healthier, more resilient communities.

Writes: Santi Llinares

Gastronomic Information Director

