Home Sea La Gula del Norte, the Spanish delicacy from surimi

La Gula del Norte, the Spanish delicacy from surimi

Who has not ever heard of the mark of the Gluttony of the North? Whether or not you are a fan of the product they sell, you surely know that their famous eels have been arriving and sold throughout Spain for many years. Now it is the turn to reinvent itself, due to all the changes that society has undergone, and for this reason, this company has decided to launch a wonderful line of ready meals. Do you want to know their new products? Do you know what the eels and how are they obtained? We are going to tell you.

The curious history of the Gula del Norte

The history of this great company started in 1974, when several family companies with a long tradition in the fishing and marketing of elver decided to join their efforts and create the largest company in the sector, Angulas Aguinaga, SA But the problem came early, when, in the 80s, the catch of elver dropped dramatically. This caused the company to find an effective solution. And so he did, creating a natural substitute for elver: gluttony.

The Gluttony of the North
Logo of the brand La Gula del Norte | Source: Laguladelnorte.es

In 1991 there was the launch of The Gluttony of the North. It was a substitute for elver based on surimi. It was quite successful, however, when they launched their first ad campaign two years later, sales grew to what they are today. The factor advertising has been key in the development of the company throughout all these years.

The Gluttony of the North it is a natural and exquisite product. Besides, the quality It is one of the main objectives of the brand, since it offers its customers products that are cared for to the extreme. Likewise, in order to comply with this premise, the company has its own quality department and the latest technical and material advances for the hygienic-sanitary control of raw materials and finished products.

Surimi, the key to success

Eels are a substitute product for elvers, which are made from pressed fish, also known as surimi. But what is really surimi? The surimi It is a source of protein obtained from the best areas of freshly caught fish. The procedure is simple: you have to form a paste to which seasonings are then added. From there you get the most nutritious, healthy and cholesterol-free of the fresh animal. An example that is created from this surimi are the well-known and traditional crab sticks that are usually put in salads.

The Gluttony of the North
Surimi | Source: Comocomoyotrascosas.com

A minute and a half and… voila!

The Gluttony of the North Bol is the brand's new range of ready meals. As its name suggests, it is available in a bowl format and you just have to heat it in the microwave for a minute and a half to have it ready to eat. The company has made available to the consumer three varieties prepared to drink, always with its marine delicacy as the protagonist, along with other ingredients.

The first is the country recipe, created with shiitake mushrooms, ham and onion; the second is the Mediterranean recipe, with pasta, dried tomato, onion and parsley; and finally, the oriental recipe, which is made up of a mix of oriental vegetables (bamboo, cultivated Chinese mushrooms, leek, green pepper, red pepper, onion and peas) and a light touch of soy. Three simple recipes that surprise you with their exquisite flavor.

The Gluttony of the North
The Gluttony of the North | Source: Laguladelnorte.es

This is the first launch of the brand in the prepared dishes section, but it is expected that, after its success, many more will be released. The Gluttony of the North continues to innovate despite their many years. The advantages of this line are important, since more and more producers are becoming interested in this style of quick and easy format for customer consumption.

You can currently get the recipes quoted in supermarkets Eroski, Gadisa, Coaliment and E'Leclerc. Although soon they will also be able to be found in a wide variety of supermarkets and hypermarkets nationwide such as Alcampo or Carrefour. What are you waiting to try these delicious eels? Which recipe has caught your attention the most?
