Home Cheese, dairy and eggs Utrera chicken eggs, what quality!

Utrera chicken eggs, what quality!

The world of gastronomy hides thousands of secrets and products of immense quality. Although, sometimes they are unknown by the general public, the truth is that there are foods that have characteristics worthy of mention. And, an example of this are the utrerana chicken eggs. Which show some differences with respect to their peers, both in terms of appearance and components. Do you know all these disparities? Without a doubt, you will be surprised by all the inequalities there may be between one egg and another. However, the producing breed is in danger, They must be taken care of with special attention!

Origin and characteristics

The origin of the race utrerana hen is situated in a heterogeneous population of chickens existing in the countryside of the Guadalquivir river. It was in this place where a breeder from that town decided to collect as many birds as possible to select the best and define them. All this through criteria of ethnology and zootechnics, which stood out in Spain back in the 20s. It should be noted that the females remained discarded of the setting because they put very fat eggs, but in very little quantity. It was here that a white rooster appeared in the henhouse and gave rise to the White Utreranas.

The productive characteristics are especially positive in these animals. And it is that, Utreran chickens perfectly preserve the original vigor of the primitive race. And, it shows with the low mortality during breeding. On the other hand, the age of sexual maturity it takes place between six and seven months, being much more premature than in the rest of hens. Another favorable point of this type of animal is that they put more than 190 eggs per year, a much larger number than in the other species.


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A study supports the eggs of hen utrerana

A group of Andalusian scientists have analyzed the utrerana chicken eggs and they have concluded that they have more protein, unsaturated fats and vitamin E than those of industrial production. In this study we have investigated the shell, clara and bud. In addition, the experts have used chickens of three varieties of the Utrera race and another lineage of commercial character. But they have all been provided the same diet, under the same conditions and for the same period of time.

This great work, in which large institutions such as the IFAPA of the Junta de Andalucía, the Provincial Council and the University of Córdoba, has defined, for the first time, the chemical composition of the eggs. All this good work allows to have a knowledge about this product that opens large business and environmental expectations.

Utrerana chicken eggs
Utreran chicken eggs. Source: Fina Molina (pinterest.com)

Great advantages of utrerana chicken eggs

María Esperanza Camacho, author of the study, has indicated in an interview in NIUS that the utrerana chicken eggs they are more resistant. Since its shell has a higher content of football, so it can be distributed without much use of plastic protectors. But, this is not only there, the protein and fat levels in the yolk are higher, as well as the positive percentages in the reduction of cholesterol. Coupled with all this, the buds of the utrerana chicken eggs are more abundant in Vitamin E, of antioxidant function. You should know that thanks to the relationship between said vitamin and carotenes, the color of the yolk is more Orange.

On the other hand, and with respect to the whites, this class of eggs present less amount of water, so they are more nutritious. The explanation for this aspect is given by the selection method of commercial chickens. And it is that, in this type of sale, products of greater caliber and weight, which provides more water in the egg white. Although, the researcher herself points out that “a product intended for catering is not the same as that used in industrial production of desserts. Each one has its function. "

Utrerana chicken eggs
Utreran chickens. Source: gallipedia.es

In danger of extinction

Currently, there are only 1.536 copies of this breed. All of them distributed between the provinces of Córdoba and Seville. And it is that, the utrerana hen it breeds loose, in the field and with a very selective diet. Also, just a hundred people are dedicated to their breeding. But, although their history is older than any other commercial race, the irruption of the poultry industryHe stopped working with these birds. Placing them in a situation of precariousness and difficult survival.

Have you had a chance to try the utrerana chicken eggs? They are the best you can find, although their production is limited to the south of the country. It is worth taking a look at these great products that, in addition to to enrich your recipes, they will provide you big benefits to health.
