Home Fruits and vegetables Mercadona dehydrated fruit, how is it?

Mercadona dehydrated fruit, how is it?

To snack between meals, accompany other recipes or take as dessert, the dried fruit from Mercadona it is an alternative healthy and very interesting. If you usually spend a lot of time away from home, we recommend it as well, since it allows you to use some snacks practical, nutritious and even useful for unforeseen events. The last ones sold by the Valencian chain have been in the market for a short time, they came out as novelty between the end of 2019 and the beginning of this year. They are three: mango, apple and pineapple. Of course, they are not the only ones, since they are added to other similar products, but more traditional. Here we gut you what the new ones are like!

In the water is the key

The process of making this food sold more as snack is mainly based on the removal of all water that fruits usually have. There is the key, but as long as its properties are not affected. Therefore, they maintain their nutrients that provide all that characteristic of healthy, although later it can contain more or less added sugar, among other elements that work as additives. Before analyzing how exactly this product that the Valencian supermarket sells you under its white label is like Farmer, we explain a little more about the dehydration in fruits.

We speak of a very old process which was already common in rural areas of our country and had a clear objective: to increase the duration of the food in good condition. The technique - also very traditional - was used to have very useful provisions in the pantry in case of need. Afterwards, it has been followed dehydrating fruit in the same way. That is to say, reducing its degree of humidity through action on that variable, but also taking into account air and temperature. Once a decrease has been achieved to the limit of 20% of original weight of the food, the process is completed.

dried fruit from Mercadona
Dried fruits / Photo: infomercadona

What do you look for when dehydrating? Very easy, since with the water removal the rise or future emergence of microorganisms that tend to deteriorate the fruit. From inside to outside, as you can see in any of these foods in their natural state. The bacteria they cannot survive in the new dry situation and rot is no longer a possibility. Therefore, it is greatly expanded traditional la durability of the shrunken product.

Three new dehydrated fruit options from Mercadona

There is a wide variety of fruits that are sold in this dry state, although some are more popular than others, some are more successful and others not so much. Hence its visibility in the markets. In the case of those that concern us in this text, it is worth mentioning up to three options in bags with mango (60 g), pineapple (50 g) and apple (20 g). It should be noted that the dried fruit from Mercadona It is made in a 100% natural way and without added sugar. It also does not contain gluten, making it suitable for coeliacs.

Among its We take care of your rental property in Valencia. there are those of each of these fruits along with others magnified or reduced after the process. In this way, they usually contain a greater amount of fiber and minerals (potassium, calcium and iron), as well as Vitamin A. Also the value in calories is high, while one of the few elements that lose levels is the Vitamin C, which remains much better in the freshness of the fruit.

Dried mango / Photo: foodretail

Of those three new options dried fruit from Mercadona, the one that has the most success in sales is the first. Mango was so in demand that it did not remain in the chain's stock by the end of 2020. Consumers stopped seeing it at the stands and were concerned, so in their Twitter, Mercadona He explained to those restless users that they had not withdrawn it. The product was originally from South Africa, but the harvest of said variety of the fruit was finished. He advised that just for these current dates it would be available again. The other fruits are sliced ​​pina colada and red apple. 

Others snacks of the same type already sold

Although those are the most recent news, if we talk about dried fruits, Mercadona has been selling traditional and common raisins. These products come from dried grapes to which cotton oil (sultanas) or sunflower oil (muscatel) is added. On the other hand there are also the plums in two options (with or without bone), the dried apricots apricot and blueberries In addition, we cannot forget the dried dates, which could be included in this type of snacks.

Of course, those who now want to attract the attention of the consumer are the most innovative. Because the dried fruit from Mercadona it is a good resource in salads and yogurts. Or you can incorporate it into your breakfasts, sweet desserts, snacks ... You decide!
