Home News Flexitarian: less strict vegetarian?

Flexitarian: less strict vegetarian?

What does it mean to be flexitarian? As Wikipedia indicates, flexitarianism "is the practice of being 'flexible' about the way one is a vegetarian." We understand, therefore, that it consists of a diet mainly based on foods vegetables, but also of Animal origin, although in less quantity? vegetarian less strict? Are there more vegetarians than flexitarians? how many are in Spain? What are the factors that most influence them? Unveil the questions by reading this article!

Flexitarians: the most tolerant vegetarians

The most common example of flexitarian is the one who only cooks with plant-based foods at home. However, when he eats away from home, whether at a friend's house or in a restaurant, he does eat dishes that have meatIn this way, you reduce your intake of meat considerably. In other words, it becomes aware of the problems caused by the excessive consumption of animal meat, for example, its impact on the environment. Hence the reason why a person decides to follow this type of diet is greatly influenced by the following factors.

Plate with plant-based foods / Other sources

Special interest in sustainability and transparent labels. Bill 84% of flexitarians are concerned about the climate change y environment. Bill 86% You are interested in knowing how your products are made and what they contain. And lastly, the 60% observe the quality labels and the traceability of the product. These data are some of the results obtained in the study on flexitarians prepared by Insite Consulting.

We are talking about very high percentages. In fact, as the report reveals, in Spain people who follow this type of diet have reached the figure of 22% of the Spanish, a 18% more than the vegan. For this reason, we see more and more products focused on these types of issues. The reason is that it is the group that is driving the demand for plant-based foods.

