Home Gastronomy Vegans and vegetarians: differences that you would not believe!

Vegans and vegetarians: differences that you would not believe!

Number vegans and vegetarians it grows more and more in Spain, as well as in a large part of the developed countries. These different diets will continue to increase for years to come. According to a recent study, 54% of Spaniardss don't know tell apart between a vegan from a vegetarian. They also don't know what a flexitarian or raw vegan nor the different variations that exist in some of the diets. We tell you about these differences so that you can receive and invite all your family members who follow this type of diet.

Differences, vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians


Vegans do not incorporate anything of animal origin into their diet. It's that simple, that is, they don't eat meat, fish, dairy, eggs, or honey etc ...


In the case of vegetarians, they are all those who in their diet do not eat anything of animal origin that has meant their sacrifice. In this way we can find vegetarians who eat eggs, dairy and honey. They do not eat meat. In some cases there are vegetarians who only eat eggs inside dude foods of animal origin. His name is ovo-vegetarians. Also those who only eat dairy within foods of animal origin. Called  lacto-vegetarians.

Raw vegan

The raw vegan or also called raw vegan They are all those who follow a vegan diet seeking, in addition, the maximum purity of the food. In this way they try do not alter the product with heat. They usually eat fruits, legumes, vegetables, mushrooms, sprouts and sprouts. They use techniques of maceration y fermentation. They make smoothies, juices, creams and some warm soups between many other recipes. They do not use processed foods or add sugar, salt or flour to the preparations.

differences between vegans and vegetarians
Photo: Pixabay. Raw vegan smoothie


Flexitarians are vegetarians who occasionally eat meat or fish. This type of diet is very growing in the population as people move away from eat animal protein but you can make exceptions. Sometimes it is the first step to becoming a vegetarian.

For many experts, the flexitarian diet is one of the healthiest since it does not have any food restricted and allows a complete diet in amino acids y Vitamins. In this way you can benefit from vitamins such as B12 of meat and omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish different from those that can be ingested in the plant world. On the few occasions when animal protein is eaten, it is allowed and should be of high quality, avoiding processed foods.

Vegan and vegetarian problems

According to the experts, the main ones are the absence, as we said before, of vitamin B12. This vitamin is very important in the period of pregnancy y lactation. Also and although fats are eliminated, they can cause some risks of thrombi and arteriolerosis as well as anemia megaloblastic.

In the case of raw veganism, some digestion problems are added, especially at the beginning. These are mainly due to foods high in fiber that are not easily digestible if they are not cooked.


