Home News National Potato Day in Peru

National Potato Day in Peru

Great Products in Peru

Writes: Luis Carbajal (@ lroberto92)

The gastronomy of the South American country commemorates one of its most precious foods in the National Potato Day in Peru, every May 30 since 2005. Its origin dates back more than 8000 years in the Andes, but it is currently a very popular product worldwide. Due to its high nutritional value and also the versatility which allows it to be added to numerous dishes. Learn here why this event is held, what are the benefits of this tuber and more. 

This is the National Potato Day in Peru

Currently, the South American nation is the fourteenth producer in the world of potato with 4,5 million tons per year. In the Peruvian country more than 3000 varieties. But the objective of the celebration of the National Potato Day in Peru It is none other than to value this expression of the millenary Andean culture and sample of the agro-biodiversity. All in a whole day in which it is also sought to increase its consumption in the daily diet.

Main benefits of this succulent tuber are the following: it allows energy with little fat, it is rich in carbohydrates, it has high levels of vitamin C, iron and zinc. It also helps prevent degenerative diseases. For all these nutritional advantages, the celebration of the National Potato Day in Peru It is very popular.

Saint john's day

The northern city of Iquitos will celebrate the third week of June, San Juan Day and it also serves to remind one of its famous stews: the juane. This stew is made with rice, olives, eggs and hen.

Potaje el juane / Photo: lahistoriadelagastronomiaperuana

To prepare it we must boil the chicken seasoned with the garlic, onion and pepper. When it is ready, we remove the meat and we boiled the rice. Once prepared, we mix the rice with the raw beaten eggs and add it to the dish. With all the previous steps correctly carried out, we wrap it in bijao leaves and add in each one the chicken filling, olives and some cuts of hard-boiled egg. In the image above you can see the result.

Taste so much the pope like this potage if you travel through any area of Peru to delight you with two great products of its gastronomy.
