Home Cereals and legumes How to defrost bread well, the ideal technique

How to defrost bread well, the ideal technique

It is one of the most common practices in Spanish houses, but it is not always carried out correctly. You know how to defrost bread well? Perhaps this question is so easy to answer that you ask yourself why we are offering you an article on this subject. It's not trivial, because many people do not know the perfect technique to enjoy this bakery food after passing through the freezer. If you are one of those people, you are interested in what we are going to explain next!

The secrets of bread

The main problem you may encounter with your thawed bread you check it both in your flavor as in his texture, two aspects that have no point of comparison with the newly purchased product. If you put the bars in your freezer and after a while you take them out to consume them, you may discover a more bubblegum consistency and even a very poor or tainted taste. This is because you have not known how to freeze or thaw it as the experts command.

how to defrost bread well
Peasant loaf of bread / Photo: Iván Sevilla

But before we get into that matter, let's talk about food because its composition influences that process a lot. This does sound safe to you. Normal bread, that of a lifetime (since today there are quite a few different types) is made with flour, water, salt and yeast. Its first ingredient contains gluten -very elastic protein that can retain the gas formed by the effect of the last element (yeast) - which allows the product to be given its usual texture.

But flour also has starch, that absorbs water while the bread is cooking, in addition to controlling its humidity. This component is made up of the molecules amylopectin and amylose. The latter participates in the so-called retrogradation, which makes the mass compact, favoring better water absorption. But the key is in the moisture because not all its structure has the same: the internal crumb is softer and more humid, while the outer crust remains dry and crisp. This, of course, once the finished product has come out of the oven.

Loaf of bread / Photo: Iván Sevilla

Question of humidity

Once you have bought the bars, if you finally do not consume them all, you should know how to defrost bread well. Although for this you must first understand what happens in the freezing, when the water turns to ice. Normally, this process occurs slowly in home freezers, where the ice crystals that appear are larger. This causes changes in the texture and flavor of the food. Also, the extreme cold try to equalize the humidity of both the crumb and the crust.

But the problem is that the same thing happens later and it even accelerates during defrosting. Now, what happens? That the bread goes absorbing water from the wettest to the driest area and causes rehydration of the gluten. So the texture stays gummy, not crispy. Luckily this has some solution if you know how to defrost bread well, which is the most important thing, although the first step still has its crumb, never better.

Tips for a good freeze

So when it comes to putting it in the freezer you should know that it's better to do it sooner rather than later after purchasing the product. That is, do not wait several days for it to be somewhat hard. On the other hand, you must cover the bar well with some plastic bag, container tight or airtight even without air remaining inside. In this way, you prevent the bread from being contaminated with other aromas of frozen products and also protect it from possible cold burns. Pay attention to this step so as not to freeze the bars further directly without any proper wrapping!

What you get is to keep the nutritional properties of the food, at least, during the short time it is at such temperatures. It is not recommended that you stay like this during more than a month and in no case more than three months because it is already very damaged. The best thing is to spend a few days from the freezer.

frozen bread how to defrost bread well
Frozen bread / Photo: Iván Sevilla

And now, how do you defrost bread well?

The most important technique in this whole thing is here. ¿How to defrost bread well to maintain its good consistency (not chewing gum) and that its flavor is remarkable (never the same as when eating it freshly bought)? The best option is the oven, although you must be careful with the time because, if you spend a bit, when you bite it later, the crumbs flood your table. That is it falls apart quite a bit with every bite or when cutting pieces. Obviously you get it crispy but too much. It is best to control your temperature well (180 ° maximum) and leave it as long as you estimate according to its size.

So another option, the one that we recommend, is thaw at room temperature, but very important that you keep it in a suitable bag. It can be made of plastic, the same one that you used in freezing. In any case, you should not leave it outdoors because it is hard. You can only remove it from its packaging when a few hours have already passed in that defrosting process, which is better if it is carried out with time and not in a rush. When you need it almost immediately, you can use the oven but with the risk mentioned before.

bread toaster with bar
Bread and toaster / Photo: Iván Sevilla

Ultimately, this you should know about how to defrost bread well to enjoy it without being greatly diminished in texture, properties and flavor. What technique do you usually use? Do you know another that is better for you?
