Home Fruits and vegetables Sweet potato: know all about this food

Sweet potato: know all about this food

Healthy, rich and versatile in the kitchen, this tuber that goes by different names (sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato and moniato) already lives at this time of year its harvest from the field. The sweet potato has had an important consumption boom in recent years for two main reasons. One of them is the possibility to be integrated in recipes both salads as confectionery and the other is directly related to their healthy properties. Thus, you can enjoy it in stews or desserts, in addition to eating it roasted in one of its most popular dishes. Find out in depth here what this product offers you.

Varieties, properties and culinary use of sweet potato

Although they exist two varieties of sweet potato -white and orange- the second is the most consumed because its cultivation is common in different regions of Spain. From the Canary Islands but also Catalonia, this tuber can be found in Andalusian, Murcian, Valencian or Aragonese fields. Although it has the same external appearance as a potato normal, frequently has a somewhat larger size. Therefore, it is possible to distinguish it from the outside, although if it is cut or opened, its meat orange, reddish or yellowish is characteristic. This vegetable pigment comes from provitamin A or beta carotene containing.

Regarding its composition, it is basically made up of a 70% water or with a 30% of nutritional matter, mostly carbohydrates, especially starch. Thus, its properties are similar to those of the potato, with the difference that it is sweeter, although its glycemic index is lower. The Sweet potato es Low in calories (it has 115 kcal per 100 gr), it has vitamins B and C and even minerals such as calcium, potassium or manganese. It also contains fiber.

On the other hand, when it comes to keep it it is recommended to be in a dark place, at a temperature of 15 ° C and where he runs a little a government-protected. For cook the sweet potato you can turn to oven, microwave, frying pan and even a toaster. It offers you many possibilities, from the healthiest (roast) to frying, being used as an alternative to French fries.

You can stew it or cook it steamed as well. Of course, it must be prepared at a low temperature (between 57 and 70 degrees) so that it turns out sweeter to the palate. The trick is to get the starch to turn into maltose and dextrins. Enjoy this great farm product this fall in any recipe!
