Home News Detox shakes: misleading claims

Detox shakes: misleading claims

The detox shakes are trendy. Mixtures of striking colors flood social networks and media promoting its great function: detoxify y purify the body. Its very name indicates it. Detox comes from detoxification, which consists of "a series of chemical reactions that will take place in our body, through which toxins will be transformed into less toxic and water-soluble substances, in order to eliminate them more easily." 

We must bear in mind that this process is carried out by the human body itself, not by detox smoothiesSo what are the benefits of these popular shakes? Really detoxify your body? They can become damaging to health? We will solve all these unknowns in this article.

detox shakes
Detox shakes/Source: Comedera.com

The function of detox shakes

Surely you already know what these shakes contain, but just in case we remind you. there isn't one strict recipe, but the creativity e imagination They are the protagonists of its elaboration. There are many ingredients with which these smoothies are prepared. primarily, vegetables and fruits. So we can make a detox shake de beet, pear y avocado in the same way that we can do another of ginger, spinach apple. The combinations are very several. It is about trying and discovering your detox shakes favorites.

Other ingredients very common are seeds by way of topping. the last touch healthy of our milkshake. Due to the ingredients nutritious they contain we cannot deny their multiple benefits for the organism. However, we must note that these Smoothies alone are not responsible for detoxify your organism. The reason is that the person in charge of doing this is the own human body. The detox shakes they do not carry out chemical reactions which we talked about before.

Another thing is that stimulate these processes. However, they require other actions to be effective. For example, rest y exerciseavoid the food processed, drink more water and bring one healthy and balanced diet.

However, we cannot attribute to this type of mixtures properties beyond its mere nutritional value. There is not nothing in this type of preparations that will make the body is purified or detoxified. Under normal conditions, this function is assumed by the liver, where thanks to cytochromes the transformation of toxins takes place for their later elimination through the kidney. Dr. Angel Durantez en "The confidential"

misleading claims

Therefore, we deduce that the detox shakes, by themselves, No. detoxify or purify your body. An set of healthy actions do stimulate this function that your own body performs. Another of the confusing statements that are made about these shakes is the one that indicates that they serve to thin. There are even calls detox diets that come to replace foods for these mixtures and, in addition, discard the protein sources animal (and not for ethical reasons like vegetarianism or veganism).

This is a error since all they cause is a nutrient deficiency and loss of muscle mass. Is nothing healthy. Furthermore, it is known to all that the All in excess it is bad. Well, the same thing happens here.

The aforementioned EFSA has identified as an emerging risk the high consumption of oxalates associated with drinking detox juices, since some of the foods most used in these preparations such as spinach, kale or beets are very rich in these substances, whose excessive consumption is associated with a higher risk of kidney stones. And it is that a single glass of these drinks can contain more oxalates than the recommended daily amount. have already been published cases of acute kidney disease because of this. Dr. Angel Durantez en "The confidential"

As a conclusion, the detox shakes they are not bad or harmful in adequate amounts. However, we must bear in mind that really beneficial for our body is to carry a healthy life style. Therefore, if you want to lose weight or improve your diet, we recommend you go to a expert. Oh, and don't trust the magical diets.
