Home News Is a vegan butcher shop viable in Spain?

Is a vegan butcher shop viable in Spain?

Vegan butcher? Have we gone crazy? It sounds crazy but he has a point. Today we discuss the success of Rudy's Vegan Butcher in London. We will explain what it sells and how it has sold out in a few hours. Would this business model work in Spain? Let's analyze it.

Rudy's sweeps London

Ruth 'Rudy' Mumma y Mathew foster They are a couple known for their vegan restaurant in the London borough of Camdem. The success of their premises was such that they became a reference of the vegan gastronomy. That is why they did not waste time and made the decision to expand. They did it in the form of a meatless "butcher shop." It is true that it sounds paradoxical but this did not prevent them from sweeping. The queue that formed at the entrance was such that customers they ran out of stocks from the store in five hours.

The next day the same thing happened. What's more, in a few days your online store had nothing to sell. Products were out of stock. But why? The simplest answer would be the rise of veganism that is gaining momentum. In fact, in the United Kingdom they move more than 900 million euros per year. Furthermore, approximately the 1% of the British openly declare themselves vegan. Without a doubt, it is a movement that has been consolidating for longer than in Spain.

Interior of the vegan butcher shop / Source: @rudysDVD

What does the vegan butcher sell?

It offers quite realistic products that are reminiscent of original meat foods. Black pudding, bacon, smoked ham y meatballs are some of the products that we find on their shelves. Its hallmark lies in the ingredients devoid of real meat. Thus, the products are made from soy protein, legumes, wheat, almond milk… There is also no lack of nuts, a very high source of protein, or even the jackfruit. This is a gigantic Indonesian fruit quite fashionable among the vegan public.

The experience to set up this type of business already had the couple from before. They knew exactly how to prepare vegan burgers that the public of the neighborhood of Camdem adore. What is more, they prefer to personally take care of the production of their products. They claim that they are thus aware of what they are selling to consumers.

Plate with vegan butcher products / Source @rudys DVD

Could it work in Spain?

Points in favor

It may be that if this company opened a excess in Spain it swept. However, it may also not. It depends on many factors. The most favorable factor for this type of business is the growing trend of meatless feedings. In fact, there are already companies that have tried to measure it. The most reliable survey estimates that the 7% of Spaniards over 18 years old eats mostly herbal. This report is about The Green Revolution.

The growing number of specialty restaurants and shops in major cities is also somewhat in its favor. Not to mention the vegan offer in supermarkets generalists. However, the biggest indication is the adaptation of fast food chains to this trend. A clear example is the inclusion of Vegetable whopper in the menu of Burger King. However, there are other reasons that make you doubt that it can be successful.

veggie burgers
Vegan burger

Points against

Despite the fact that the change of denominations for meat this business could find other pitfalls. To begin with, the incredible influence of the meat sector in our country. This one would not look favorably on the name of butcher shop for a store that does not sell meat. It would be on them and the safest thing is that they would take legal actions to find a legal loophole that is unfavorable to the project. Nor should we forget the prestige of livestock from certain places. Not to mention the fame of some irreplaceable sausages such as Iberian Ham.

We must also bear in mind that the rise of veganism takes place in the main capitals. The proportion of vegans will not be the same in Barcelona that Caceres. Therefore, the vegan butcher would have to think about where to locate its business. However, these products are increasingly being expanded by supermarket chains. In this way, you can find them even in Guadalajara towns where they did not exist before.

Who knows. Surely it is a matter of time before some brave try it and we can check the results of a vegan butcher shop in Spain.
