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Tag: Plastic

Free glass of water: exercise your right

The hoteliers have the obligation to offer a free glass of tap water to their customers since last Monday, April 11....

Plastic packaging in France has its days numbered

How are plastic containers being banned in France? The fight against this material is part of an international effort to reduce its...

Bamboo cutlery: they have plastic!

The biodegradable has become the best alternative to the disappearance of single-use plastic products. The bamboo cutlery...

Buy in bulk, quality but safely

Buying in bulk is returning to the fore in consumer options. To make a correct use it is necessary to know certain aspects. Discover them!

Coffee capsules: success and failure

In the market, coffee capsules are leaders in sales. The proliferation of this method has changed consumer habits. We analyze pros and cons

A vacuum-packed fried egg sparks controversy

We find more and more pre-cooked meals in the supermarket. The last to join is the vacuum-packed fried egg. We'll tell you about it!

Spanish greenhouses: seal of quality

Spanish greenhouses are at the forefront in terms of quality and sustainability. Find out why they are fundamental to our food sovereignty.

Borges oil milestone: pioneering bottle

With 25% recycled plastic used in its rPet containers to sell Borges oil, this is the first company in the sector to use it.

The best material to preserve cheese

In order for it to maintain its properties and an ideal state of consumption, you must know what is the best material to preserve the cheese. Discover it here