Home Ter-Mar restaurant, the long pleasure

    Ter-Mar restaurant, the long pleasure

    Specialty: Elvers and Eels
    Name: Ter-Mar Restaurant
    Address: Platja de la Gola, 24. Torroella de Montgri.
    Province: Girona
    Phone: 972757821
    Website: www.restaurantmar.com

    A special place for eel lovers

    El Ter-Mar restaurant is located in the mouth of the river Ter in the province of Girona. The area is a unique place in the Costa Brava, a quiet and green place. There the owners weigh the elvers and eels that they prepare afterwards in an exquisite way. Next to the beach too, in the Ter-Mar restaurant dishes are served elvers and eels with unique recipes. This is the specialty of the house and its differential point. You can also enjoy rice, suquets, fish and shellfish from the nearby fish markets Palamós and Roses.

    Although the place is not very big, it has a terrace where you can enjoy the surroundings on spring and summer days. The atmosphere is very nice and familiar. The place closes throughout the fall season, so the ideal time to go is summer.

    About the product of the Ter-Mar Restaurant

    To explain what are elvers You should start by explaining what the eels, since the first ones are the fry fish of the second. You could say that they are like his daughters.

    La eel It is a fish in the shape of snake that lives mainly in the rivers that flow into the Atlantic and Mediterranean. The young or elvers they go up the rivers and when they are adults they return to the sea where they live and reproduce. That is, they can live both in sweet and salty water. Their diet is omnivorous and they eat seaweed, insects, worms and small fish.

    The size of the eels they can come up with something more than one meter and a weight of 4-5 kilograms. These animals are prepared to make very long migrations in search of rivers where they can go up.

    Ter-Mar Restaurant