Home News Cheese in the shape of sausage, is it possible?

Cheese in the shape of sausage, is it possible?

La cheese making it is a delicate, methodical and calculated process. Over the years the technique has been refined, but basically it consists of letting the milk curd mature - once the step of removing the whey has been carried out - and, from there, every master has his own trick, as who says. It is true that you can find cheeses from practically All sizes and shapesat square or round to other more curious, such as nipple cheese. However, the world of cheese does not seem to stop evolving. The proof is that the Agrifood Research and Technology Institute (IRTA) and the Montbrú cheese company have undertaken a project in which they will elaborate sausage-shaped cheese. Do you want to know how this is possible? 

Embocheese: the initiative that makes cheese shaped like a sausage

Cuddle up, which is the name of the project now shared by the Spanish entity and company, is a commitment to the full use of dairy product. The intention is that the cheese that is made with this procedure can be consumed in its entirety and not at all or the least is wasted - as it does not have a rind, the possibility of wasting the product is less.

sausage-shaped cheese
Embocheese, the sausage-shaped cheese | Source: irta.cat

But, let us start at the beginning: what is that cheese in the shape of sausage? It is an idea that seeks to develop the technology and maturation system of a new cheese made with goat's milk. Marta Garrón -innovation technician specialized in cheeses from IRTA's Food Quality and Technology program- spoke for ARAL magazine and explained the project's objectives. They aim to “achieve an innovative product obtained according to the sausage technology and in which they will also use guts and alginates adapted for this type of product in order to stuff the curd ”. 

In the end, as we have said before, the market does not stop innovating and looking for different products to offer to customers. And that has been exactly what has led to the Montbrú company to start in this initiative. The cheese factory has been in the dairy sector since 1989 from the Barcelona region Moianes and they have decided to go one step further in terms of innovative products. How? Seeking to give a twist to the elaboration of the most widespread cheese, and applying the sausage technique to produce it.

Production process

After much study, it has been proven that cheese can be made following the same process as a salami. To give it the same shape as, for example, a chorizo, you use gut; and to hang it - a technique used as a drying and maturing system for sausages - a string. It is a practically new method in Spain, but in countries like Italy it is already used to make some cheeses. Be that as it may, from the Agrifood Research and Technology Institute and Montbrú they wanted to go further.

That is why they have decided to apply the NIR technology -Near infrared-, with which they intend to control the moisture of the cheese during ripening. Determining this factor, they seek well to maintain and included improve both nutritional and sensory characteristics.

sausage-shaped cheese
IRTA and Montbrú have teamed up to create sausage-shaped cheese | Source: irta.cat

What else were they looking to achieve, in addition to improving product quality? To start with, a less manipulation of the cheese during its elaboration. Of course, take advantage of the opportunities to open up to new markets diversifying the business -without having to invest too much-; and furthermore, possess that adding value of proximity, of being innovative and of providing quality that customers are looking for so much today.

A product that opens many doors

The result is a product that, without a doubt, has that differential point we were talking about. Marta Garrón explained it like this: “We want to create new innovative cheeses, tied with string, with the quality, texture and flavor of large format matured cheeses and with a reduction of maturation time”. In other words, it is a cheese more sustainable -because a less ripening process implies a lower energy consumption of the chambers -e equal -or- richer than others matured.

This initiative shows that the dairy sector continues to change and diversify in search of opportunities. And not only that, but the commitment to local is already a practically essential characteristic when choosing a product. Do you see a future for sausage-shaped cheese!
