Home Fruits and vegetables What is tat soi, a vegetable with potential

What is tat soi, a vegetable with potential

Today we present you another booming asian vegetable in Europe. Is named tat soi and it comes specifically from the Canton area, in China. It has more and more followers in all Western countries. Healthy and easy to cook, it is conquering positions among the innovative vegetables in the fashion of the moment. Here we tell you their properties, benefits and use in the kitchen.

El tat soi It is from the cabbage family, its scientific name is Brassica Subspecies Narinosa or Brassica rapa var rosularis. It is also popularly known as "leaf mustard”, Since it has a sweet green flavor but something similar to peach. The color of its leaves is dark green and has a very delicate and creamy texture. Currently it is already cultivated in our country and can be seen in some markets and, of course, in oriental food supermarkets.

tat soi
Tat soi salad

Properties and benefits

This vegetable stands out for its low calorie content and high level of vitamin C, A and K. In the case of the vitamin C, with levels much higher than citrus. It also provides us with minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium that are very necessary for our health. Also noteworthy is his good contribution of fiber and folic acid.

Highlight that it is a very interesting vegetable for Diets for its contribution of vitamins and its low caloric level. It is important not to cook it for a long time or at a high temperature to, in this way, minimize the loss of nutrients.


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In gastronomy

As a perfect vegetable to use in crude and in salads, It is one more complement to this type of refreshing dishes. Also to cook it with other vegetables in wok O well steamed and accompany meat and fish dishes. Once cooked, its flavor is softer but we will lose part of the nutrients, as happens with other vegetables. It is an ingredient that pairs very well with others greens or fruits in salads such as mango, avocado and red fruits.

If you want to enjoy a asian product booming consumption, try the tat soi. We recommend looking for it in Spanish supermarkets that offer it, although you can also grow it yourself with its seeds. Enjoy a different leaf!
