Home News Taste France brings us French products

Taste France brings us French products

"The master ingredient", this is the slogan of the current promotional campaign of French agri-food products in Spain. The public company for the promotion of French gastronomy and agri-food products, Taste France, has launched this campaign. All this with the aim of reaching more places and with more prestige. For all this, we will work with the Spanish hospitality schools in the best knowledge of the French product.

The campaign has been organized by Taste France together with the interprofessionals of fruits and vegetables from France to support the commercialization of apples and kiwis French. Also clementines from Corsica, onions, shallots, carrots, and cauliflower. The interprofessional of the pato and its derivatives such as foie gras, the duck confit and the magret participate equally. In the campaign there is no lack of the interprofessional potato, another great French product.

Free access virtual classes with Taste France

The promotion of French products in Spain will take place in two phases. In the first, the chef Frank Vincent will give a virtual masterclass. He will do it with a student from each of the catering and cooking schools in Spain. In these classes, French products will be valued through the elaboration of 15 recipes. The first of the five masterclasses will be held on November 12 at 18:XNUMX p.m. It will be through the following link Youtube, which all interested parties can access.

Duck Taste France
Typical Gallic dish with duck

The second phase, already in 2021, will consist of carrying out a competition in which all parties will be encouraged to participate cooking and hospitality schools in Spain. In the contest, the best recipes made with the aforementioned French products will be awarded. In this way, all winners will become Taste France ambassadors in Spain.

On this occasion, France has chosen the strategy that new professionals know much better about all the possibilities of its products. Have chosen versatile products and very accessible to the consumer. Discover the foods of our neighboring country now by participating in these proposals.
