Home Fruits and vegetables First pillories from Jerte with PDO

First pillories from Jerte with PDO

pillories of the Jerte

El Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Cereza del Jerte has begun to certify the first Picotas del Jerte. With its four certified varieties: Pico Limón Negro, Pico Negro, Pico Colorado and Ambrunés. The latter, the most appreciated for being the one that matures the longest on the tree in the sun and, therefore, the sweetest.

Las picotas del Jerte, an exclusive product

President Regulatory Council, Ignacio Montero, commented:

“This year the pillory campaign is ahead of the curve in recent years. This means that we already have a considerable volume of product. We foresee that this year we will collect between 8 and a half and 9 million kilos "

"The pjerte cottage this year is of excellent quality. This year the summer has come early and the weather conditions have been adequate ", he added Huntsman.

At Jerte Valley the cultivation of cherries performs in a natural, traditional way and without additives. What makes the cherries and picotas have a unique flavor. Also a very high content of vitamins, trace elements, flavonoids, etc.

They are obtained after a careful selection at the foot of the tree, according to a rigorous quality control. Only the best are identified with the seal of the Denomination of Origin Cereza del Jerte.

The pillories of the Jerte They are a exclusive product distinguished by its flavor and sweetness. They are the only ones that come off the tree no tail. But there are more features that differentiate them from the rest: their meaty texture y crunchier. Also your size of a smaller gauge. It ranges from 22 to 26 millimeters.

Of course, its sweeter taste and color, as well as its natural cultivation and its traditional collection and treatment multiply its properties. All this allows them to reach the markets at the optimal time.

This product is every time most demanded both in the national and international markets, especially in Germany and the UK. 70 percent of the production of pillories of the Jerte is exported.
