Home Cereals and legumes Porridge, the most sporty breakfast

Porridge, the most sporty breakfast

The care and maintenance of the body is one of the great concerns of many people. And, much more in the summer months. When the bikini operation is on everyone's mind. Therefore, every diet begins with a breakfast Consists and as healthy as possible. So do you know the porridge? It is a well-known elaboration in Great Britain that is gradually reaching the Peninsula. Although, surely it sounds more familiar to you if we tell you that it is simply a traditional bowl of oatmeal cereal. Do you know why it's getting Fashion again?

What is porridge?

As we have commented a little above, the porrdige comes from the UK. And, it is usually taken for have breakfast and midmorning. In addition, the great importance it has had in Spain is explained by the ingredients that make it up. Which can be found in any supermarket in the country. And it is that, this dish consists mainly of cereals. Accompanied by nuts y Pieces of fruit. Although, if you give it a few laps you can get a perfect and original recipe.

All this set of foods will give you a vitality amazing. In fact, it was perfect for those field workers who needed a lot of power source. Therefore, little by little it has become popular at breakfast time. To be able to hold out until lunchtime without fainting during hard work days. It should be noted that in Scotland it is still one of the most traditional and popular dishes.

Porridge. Source: recipesveganas.net (pinterest.com)

Porridge is perfect for breakfast

First of all, it is essential that you know that there is no exact data on the the origin of this recipe. But, many think it was invented by greek. The only thing that, if it is known, is that, in the British Isles, their arrival was promoted by the Celts. That is why he became the typical scottish breakfast.

In fact, it is very popular at these times of the day because it has many nutritional benefits. Coupled with this, its remarkable versatility makes it possible to add many varied ingredients. That will make its flavor increase to infinity.

Thanks to all its characteristics, this elaboration has managed to settle in the Spanish homes. In fact, it is already considered a fairly typical breakfast. And it is that, it presents a great satiating capacity. So it will prevent you from being tempted to snack between meals. In addition, and as the last piece of information to review, it must be present if you are following a slimming diet.


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Perfect for athletes

During the last years, the porridge has become fashionable among athletes. Due to the large number of complex carbohydrates that contribute. It is important to note that it presents very high levels of fiber and low in fat. In addition, it provides energetic characteristics noteworthy. It is even perfectly combinable with all kinds of fruits. Such as apples, blueberries or, where appropriate, pears and bananas.

On the other hand, nuts offer a great Energy supply too. So, they fit perfectly with this porridge. And it is that, it is clear that if it has become the fashionable breakfast it is for something. In particular, for its great combination of benefits for the body and free mix of food products. It should be noted that, according to many researchers, it is very important to take porridge. And it is that, if you ingest 28 grams of whole grains a day, you will reduce the risk of death by 5%. The risk of heart attack will decrease by 9%.

Porridge. Source: blessedbeyondcrazy.com (pinterest.com)

Elaboration method

Prepare the porridge It is very simple. And, you will be able to find different ways to do so. Although, it is usually prepared with a casserole of water or milk With salt. In it, you will have to add the oat grains without stopping moving, and always on a low heat. When the mixture has thickened and a mush forms, you should remove it from the heat. This is where you will include all the ingredients what you wish.

However, there are people who prefer to eat it without adding anything else. And, on the other hand, there are sweet lovers, who choose to add a little miel o jam. In this way, the flavor of the dish will be enriched. In fact, it is possible to turn this wonderful recipe into an elaboration salt. You just have to put a little imagination into it.


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If you are a sports lover, you have just discovered a spectacular dish. The porridge It will provide you with everything you need to perform your exercise like a charm. Will you be able to give him a opportunity? I am sure you are so surprised by his flavor as its unmatched Energy supply.
