Home Supermarkets Mercadona healthy bread: lose weight?

Mercadona healthy bread: lose weight?

How is he healthy bread de Mercadona what helps to lose weight? The secret is in the fiber, but… does it have any drawbacks? Discover the product with which the Valencian chain intends to cover the need for healthy food that is becoming more and more evident. There are even those who claim that it loses weight! Read on to see the benefits of this.

Spain has a problem with being overweight. In fact, the European Health Survey encrypt it in a 44,9% of men or with a 30,6% of women. That is why the population is becoming more aware of eating properly. Movements like the realfooding and healthy products flood the market. So, today we are dealing with one of these sold by supermarkets that always surprise us with something. Namely: Mercadona.

How is it?

This healthy bread stands out for its unique properties. Remarkably (and even pretentious) is that some sources suggest that it is even good for the heart. But let's go by parts. In the first place we must mention that the days in which the Joan Roig chain could not cover the demand for wholemeal bread. That is why they put this bread on the market, which costs 0'80 euros el six pack of buns. Therefore the kilo slope just under three euros.

Speaking as bluntly as possible, the refined It gives you a shot of energy. Meanwhile, the integral he brings you fiber. This is necessary for the microbiome (the microbes that live in our digestive tract). Many people have fiber deficit in the West, which ends up translating into diseases. That is why it is advisable not to abuse white bread and find the sources of fiber that you like the most.

Does this healthy bread have any “buts”?

what this healthy bread benefits the heart we must take it with tweezers. That is, each unit contains 1 grams of salt. We must be vigilant, since the maximum recommended daily amount is five grams according to the WHO. However, the 7 grams of fiber help us get to 25-30 grams recommended by the WHO every day. As to thin… Fiber helps you but it doesn't work miracles. You must watch all your food. Therefore, we conclude that, like everything in this life, we must consume it without abusing it to perceive its benefits.

