Home Beverages Goat milk: this is why it is the best

Goat milk: this is why it is the best

What extra benefits does the goat's milk? Let's see below why it is the most recommended. Will you end up including it in your diet after reading this article?

Goat milk still occupies a residual place in the supply and demand of milk. That is, it only represents a 2% of the final production in Spain. However, he is gaining more and more followers. In part because of kefir although also for its flavor and properties. So, we are going to analyze them in detail in this article.

How does goat milk benefit you?

It means obtaining several benefits that we do not find in cow's milk. For example, greater bioavailability of iron. This means that the mineral is better absorbed in the intestine. Therefore it is perfect for those who suffer anemia. In addition, it is more easily digested and favors the intestinal tract.

Goat milk is digested better than cow milk/Source: Pixabay

In fact, Ministry of Consumption Spanish makes it clear: “goat milk is recommended for those people who have digestive problems, such as ulcers, gastritis, liver disorders and they cannot consume cow's milk for any reason.”

To the last we add that it has a lactose content between 0'2% or with a 0'5% less than in cow's milk. This can be useful for those who are intolerant. It is also suitable for those who have allergies to casein. The low presence of this protein present in milk greatly benefits them. On the other hand, it has a lower level of sodium, sludge y copper than cow's milk.

What about minerals?

It is also rich in calcium, phosphorus y Vitamin A. In fact, it contains a higher concentration of the latter than cow's milk. This is because goats convert a greater amount of carotenos present in the grass in the mentioned vitamin. Thus, we obtain with it a significant amount of Antioxidants that stop the development of tumors and aging.

For these reasons, we emphasize that its content in minerals It is much higher than that of cow's milk. Oscillates between Present in several = 0,70% or with a Present in several = 0,85%. Bill potassium is another of the main ones.

goat's milk
Glass with goat milk/Source: Pixabay

And if that were not enough, it turns out that it is more organic farming. Goats require less water and feed than cows. That is why we find them in Arabian countries with very dry climates in greater proportion than cows. Plus, they take up less space. That is, you can have six goats where you can fit two cows.


In short, we can consider the goat's milk a functional food. It is very useful for those who cannot effectively digest cow's milk. This way they can obtain their benefits and even some additional ones. It is also effective for those who suffer from anemia, high cholesterol y osteoporosis. Are you going to give it a try and include it in your diet? We must keep in mind that the biggest drawback it has is the price. It always costs more than double that of cow!
