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Eggs from happy chickens and producers without solutions

The vast majority of consumers are in solidarity with the demands of the producers. And having an agricultural, livestock and fishing sector goes beyond having fresh and quality products. Farmers, ranchers and fishermen are managers and caretakers of the territory and all of this enriches the heritage of a country. And the consumer does not buy local products based on price but agrees with the producers' claims.


The big question is that yes, almost 90% of producers' requests are supported by consumers because only 55% of them prioritize local and sustainable producers. Actually the answer is simple, the reason is the price and low salaries of a large part of the population. Consumers prioritize price in 76% of their purchases. It is also true that with the same price, 82% would buy local and sustainable products, but the reality is that the quality, appearance, sustainability and price of local and foreign products lead us to a little more than 50% buying local products. .

Retail must become an ally and unite producers with the consumer

Although it will be difficult to align the objectives, the only solution is to value local and sustainable products and here supermarkets are an important piece. If the food chain law and sustainability and health regulations put pressure on fairer prices in the primary sector, it is inevitable that these will have an impact on the final price.

One of the keys is that the consumer has the information not only that it is a local product but also that it represents for the territory to buy a local and sustainable product. Practical examples of the importance of wealth and money remaining in the area would help increase purchases from these producers. Only information on product quality and respect for having producers in the territory can help increase the sales of these producers. In addition to guaranteeing that each of the products has a price that complies with the law of the food chain and is a sustainable product, it must also respect fair prices for producers.

