Home Cocoa, sugars and desserts Healthy, homemade and simple ice cream

Healthy, homemade and simple ice cream

Squeeze the heat like every summer and one of the foods that most appeals to lower body temperature is frozen. However, usually taking it involves a cluster of calories and sugars that not everyone likes. Even less to those who want to keep their diet intact. But for these people there is also a very interesting alternative: healthy ice cream. Of any fruit, although seasonal ones predominate because they are also rich in water, you can get delicious delicacies. Here we give you some examples or recipes for you to take advantage of this option.

How to get healthy ice creams at home?

Without a doubt, the best way to respect a healthy food also during these hot months it is make your own healthy ice cream, so that you know the ingredients you eat. The milk it is often included in a variety of these products, accompanying chocolate. But this dairy component is very nutritious for its contribution of calcium and proteins of high biological value. Therefore, you can add it to your recipes.

Because the objective, above all, is to dodge with the homemade all kinds of additives or sweeteners and gluten, something that the ice cream industry does incorporate. Being a creation of yours to consume directly or soon, that contribution of components is not necessary. You just have to use fruits, greek yogurt and even some other food that you consider appropriate. You decide how you want your healthy ice cream.

healthy ice cream fruit popsicles
Healthy homemade ice cream / Photo: naturmarket.es

AND, how can you do those delicious delicacies? Have two options, both being very simple. The first is beating the pieces of fruit that you fancy for later freeze the result in any suitable container that shapes it into ice cream. If you want, you can pour yogurt o milk also to give the mixture smoothness. With a good freezingThese ingredients do not lose their vitamins or minerals or even the fiber (with a blender, at least).

On the other hand, you can still get cool poles through a juice of lemon or orange frozen. Incorporate small servings of fruits such as banana, kiwi, blueberries, mango or strawberries to that first component and then to the appropriate mold to freeze. Enjoy these healthy ice cream right now!
