Home Fruits and vegetables Avocado and its properties

Avocado and its properties


From the family of laureacea and American persea species, the tree of avocado It is a plant of origin of Mexico and Guatemala. It can reach up to 30 meters in height, its trunk is straight, with smooth bark. Light green when young and gray when adults. Its leaves are persistent, oval dark green.

Its fruits are pear-shaped, weighing 250 gr to 2 kg. The color of the skin, depending on the variety and degree of maturity. It is dark green and sometimes deep purple or almost black. Its flowers are gorgeous.

Avocado varieties

Thanks to the amount of varieties that exists in the market we can consume avocado all year. Although the best months to consume avocados are from January to May.

The predominant variety in the world is the Hate, From California and of origin Guatemalan-Mexican. It is creamy and with an exquisite flavor, it has wrinkled skin and when ripe it takes on a dark purple or brown color. It assumes a 85% of consumption in Europe.

When you want to know if a avocado it is about to be consumed, it is very easy to recognize it. You must take it and press a little on the skin, if it gives way, it is ready to eat.

En Spain there are some trees of Avocados for more than 300 years. But its commercial development began about 50 years ago, being in the last 35 years when most of the commercial farms were planted.

Its consumption, constantly on the rise

El consumption in Europe in the last 10 years it has grown in the order of 20 or 25% per year. With what we need to increase our productions so as not to continue losing market share. At the beginning, we represented 30% of total consumption in Europe. In recent years we have decreased to represent 10% of consumption.

The question is how could we increase productions in Spain and the answer is with more water supplies in the producing areas. In this way, we could double or triple the productions of avocado, since there are good unproductive lands. We have the ideal climate, entrepreneurs willing to invest and qualified personnel.

We only need to raise awareness among our administrations so that with a few small investments, 5% of the water that is discharged into the sea can be used. Without harming, yes, the ecological provisions that are necessary. It is a clamor of the sector, for being letting a wealth escape that is unique in Europe.

Avocado properties

1.- VITAMINS. 10 vitamins that improve our immune system, such as vitamins A, C, D, E. They act as antioxidants, promoting anti-aging. Also Vitamin K, Provitamin A in the form of beta-carotene and several of group B (B6) are present. Especially those that contain folic acid are very beneficial for cholesterol.

2.- MINERALS. Phosphorus and Magnesium for our nervous system. Calcium for our bones. Iron for anemia and fatigue. Potassium that improves muscle activity.

Did you know that to obtain potassium from a single avocado, should we eat 2 or 3 bananas? It also controls blood pressure levels. Then, zinc is a great cell regenerator or silicon for nails, skin and hair. Great, promoting collagen synthesis as well.

3.- FIBER, PROTEINS, ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (Omega 3.6 and 9). Although the avocado provides many calories, they are calories from monounsaturated fat. This is necessary for the whole organism and especially for the heart.

These monounsaturated fats, due to a compound called beta-sitosterol, lower blood cholesterol levels. These fatty acids help raise good cholesterol (LDL) and lower bad cholesterol (HDL). They also regulate blood sugar levels.

Avocado for cholesterol

According to a study published by the American Heart Association, avocado it can help us control our cholesterol levels. A study was done in a group of people who consumed a avocado a day on a moderate-fat diet.

They achieved better LDL cholesterol markers of total cholesterol and triglycerides than the other two groups that participated in the study. One on a moderate fat diet but without avocado and the other on a low-fat diet.

This fruit is used by many dietitians in their programs weight loss. If consumed in moderation, as it contains a large amount of vegetable fats (most of them good), it will make you feel full for longer.
