Home Beverages PDO Jumilla and its organic wines

PDO Jumilla and its organic wines

In the lands and wineries that make up this Protected Designation of Origin north of the Murcia they can be very proud of their commitment to sustainability. Because the highland area that occupies the PDO Jumilla and its organic wines is a pioneer in organic certification. More than half of the vineyard has an area of ​​this type. Specifically, a 97% of the strains that are planted in the municipality enjoy this certificate in a clear vocation for the product of the future. But where is the key that makes all this possible? We discover it for you.

The reasons for the Jumilla PDO and its organic wines

El Committee of Ecological Agriculture of the Region of Murcia (CAERM) recognizes approximately 40% of this vineyard in the municipalities of the PDO Jumilla. But those belonging to the province of Albacete: Hellin, tuff, Ontur, Fuente-Álamo, Albatana and Montealegre del Castillo. Then, the rest of the percentage is in the Murcian town that gives its name to that DOP, but with almost all its sustainable production.

This is mainly due to excellent edaphoclimatic conditions present in the PDO Jumilla and its organic wines. The soils are limestone and stony. Meanwhile, the dry continental climate with its cold winters and very hot summers favor the condition of the vineyard. Remains in optimal health throughout its vegetative cycle due to the high thermal gradient that is very positive in this phase.

Then the rains are scarce, something that for a rainfed crop is luxury in order to avoid using phytosanitary products in abundance. The sulfate average is, in many cases, only once a year. Hence they hardly lie down copper compounds on the strains, while other better alternatives to this element continue to be investigated.

PDO Jumilla and organic wines
Wineries belonging to the DO Jumilla / Photo: winesdejumilla.org

A benchmark in the 'eco' market

And from that fundamental aspect we move on to the next one that enables a great PDO Jumilla and its organic wines quality. The general trend is on the rise to increasingly market this type of sustainable product, with already more than half of wineries certified as ecological. In 2018, they sold about 10 million bottles thus, representing a third of all sales. Of course, here in our country this ecological market is still less developed than other nations.

Therefore, the PDO Jumilla and its organic wines succeed in other countries, although in Spain the 'eco' or 'bio' sector is growing, where this Denomination of Origin is a reference.
