Home Opinion Food waste, something has to be done

Food waste, something has to be done

Is coming summer, the heat and with it the time of year where the Spanish we waste more food. During the past year we have thrown away specifically 1.364 million kilos of food And the worst thing is that this data worsens year after year. We must cut waste!

What's going on?

Spanish households waste a lot of food: mainly fruits y vegetables, followed by pan y dairy. The vast majority of food wasted and thrown away is unused, that is, it is bought, not processed or consumed and thrown away. Mostly the worst food managers are the middle classes and of an age range between 50 and 64 years.

How can we improve?

The big question is what we can do to reduce our food waste. Especially at a time when there is talk of a global food crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine. Undoubtedly there is no unique and magical solution but what is certain is that the most important thing is awareness.

We are going to see some of the actions that can be carried out by the consumer and also in the food and distribution industry.

Too Good To Go food waste
Food waste / Photo: aecoc

accept imperfect products

Thousands of tons of food is thrown away and does not reach the food chain because its appearance Is not perfect. However, they are fit for consumption. The consumption of a large part of these foods, as happens in other European countries, would improve the food chain and the fight against waste. For all these reasons, the ley about food waste that aims to improve these results.

Expiration dates and preferential consumption

It is of the utmost importance that the consumer knows that the preferred consumption dates do not disable their consumption. In the case of Expiry dates If they do, though, it's common sense, if the product is only a day or two past its expiration date and has been well preserved that it can be consumed. According to the European Union, the confusion between expiration and preferential consumption generates about 10% more food waste.

Add that expiration dates do not affect the large waste focused on fruits, vegetables and greens and this is where common sense should prevail.

imperfect fruits. Photo: Pixabay
imperfect fruits. Photo: Pixabay

purchase forecast

be prudent and buy only what you can consume. Buying what can be consumed is the best recommendation and it helps a lot to save. Have the foresight that in the hot months the deterioration and the maturation they speed up. If you think you are not going to consume it, cook it or use freezing or another conservation system.

Anti-waste recipes

Make forecast of foods near their expiration and craft them. Get creative and use all the edible parts with the zero-waste recipes that many cooks and foodies share online.

Technology, a great ally

No doubt the technology will help us more and more to reduce the food waste, The quality of refrigerators is vital to extend the life of food. On the other hand, smart shelves that reduce the price as expiration approaches can help the distribution sector. Also they refrigerators of the future that will warn of food near its expiration help, somewhat, to reduce food waste.

Lastly, and if you finally decide to throw away the food, think of all the work, carbon footprint and environmental effort that you are losing. Maybe this will help so that next time this does not occur collective food failure.
