Home News Food delivery in quarantine, where?

Food delivery in quarantine, where?

Since the decree of state of alarm in Spain, we are installed in a health crisis without precedents. A situation for the coronavirus which has led to hysteria and panic among many Spaniards. Those who are destroying all the food they can from supermarket, without there being a need to adopt such an attitude. The supply is assured, go shopping every day too. But faced with the risk of contagion or the impossibility of acquiring the products physically, the food delivery in quarantine current is an alternative. The orders online and here we want to inform you about it. To the parrot!

Panic and unconsciousness in the 'war' of buying

All crisis it is accompanied by disproportionate reactions, incomprehensible attitudes and much, much panic among the population. Despite the fact that both the Spanish government and the large supermarket chains have repeated over and over again that the food supply it is more than assured everywhere, people do not listen. Since the beginning of this week, families began to go to their usual establishments to fill, not one, but even two cars of all kinds of products. The fear began to take over more and more customers who unconsciously increased their weekly shopping list.

Why? Did they think that Pedro Sánchez was going to ban the exit to the streets of the Spaniards to go for basic necessities? Were they forecasting the decree of a ration card in food? Without any of the answers to these questions justifying this sudden change of attitude on the part of many consumers, the stores of Mercadona, Day or Carrefour they were overwhelmed by an excessive avalanche. With the passing of the days until today, the situation was getting worse while they happened scenes of real 'war'. That is for getting the last pack of milk, the last tray of meat, or the last bananas. Empty shelves, workers at full capacity in the boxes and long lines at first hour of the morning.

Absolute hysteria without thinking of others (especially in older people who cannot go to other supermarkets to buy). Absolute hysteria shopping handfuls of perishable food that will probably end up in the trash. Absolute hysteria of some Spanish crazy about the crisis of COVID-19 on film stamps.

Alternative: ordering food at home in quarantine

Given the difficulty of buying in physical establishments, one of the alternatives that has seen a rise in the last week and last days has been the request for food delivery in quarantine. While those supermarkets mentioned cannot even provide this service to their customers as they usually did, the bars or restaurants are going to focus all their effort on this online modality. Thus, they are closed to the public but open to orders through platforms such as Uber Eats, Just Eat o GlovoThe idea is also to supply, from the kitchen to home, excellent dishes of all kinds. Asian, Turkish, Italian, Arabic, American, Mediterranean and, of course, Spanish cuisine. From the typical offer fast food even healthier recipes.

food delivery during quarantine

Order food delivery in quarantine It is as simple as consulting those applications mentioned and seeing which places are open to this service, what you want to have lunch or dinner, what budget you have ... In case you are looking for a very specific restaurant in your city or town and you cannot find it in those apps, the option you have left is call directly. This will ensure that it continues to operate in these weeks of general crisis. Are you afraid of being able infect you through the delicacies you receive? Here we explain this topic of coronavirus.

It resorts to local commerce and E-commerce 

But what if what you want is to do your purchase online of all kinds of products that you can't find in the supermarket? This is another advantage of E-commerce, although you must choose well given the saturation explained before. We recommend that you go to the little ones first local businesses of your city or town, since these will be much less crowded and you will find what you are looking for. By the way, you will support this type of SME. Butchers, greengrocers, bakeries, patisseries… If after this you have no choice, access the website of companies with very specific products because they surely have shop online. You will spend more money for shipping costs but when you need it, there is no other option.

uber eats delivery man
Uber Eats bike delivery man

In short, if you ask food delivery in quarantine, always do it with knowledge and proportionality. Do not let yourself be overcome by the panic of many consumers, keep calm and try to make the best of these days of national alarm. Remember: #Stay at home 
