Home Cereals and legumes Brown rice: treasure to explore

Brown rice: treasure to explore

Rice is one of the most consumed cereals in the world. It is a very popular food because it is healthy and can be used combined with many straights. However, there are several types of this cereal. One of them is the Integral rice. A less consumed alternative, but healthier. You want to know why? We tell you.

A healthier rice?

Today we are going to talk about rice. But not the white that we all recognize, in this case we will focus on brown rice. Rice grains, when harvested, are wrapped in a hard shell. Which acts as a protector. Once collected, its processing begins. During this course, the rice is cleaned and its wrapper is removed, constituted by: the bran, the germ and the white grain. This step is essential to determine the future of the cereal. well of the components that maintain the grain will depend on its classification.

That is, the main difference between brown rice and conventional is in its composition. Although the outer shell is removed, for it to be called integral You must keep part of your cuticle. Element that provides its characteristic brown color. In the words of Adam Martín Skilton, editor of i'mcomocomo.es brown rice is: “an annual herbaceous plant with an erect cane stem that is surely one of the key cereals for people who are interested in eat healthy”.

Integral rice
glass of brown rice /source: Instagram user @ catiacurica

And the comprehensive alternative is appreciated as more beneficial. Since it is more natural and provides a greater amount of fiber. Contrary to what various legends and beliefs claim, this rice does not play any laxative role or, on the contrary, constipation. It also contributes to the proper functioning of our body. provides multiple vitamins (B1, B3 and B12) y provitamin A; minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorous; carbohydrates y proteins.

Benefits of brown rice

In the refining process, the rice loses most of its properties. I mean 10% of its proteins are removed; 84% from fats; 70% of mineral salts; and much of the vitamins. As we have said before, brown rice is separated from both its elements. which makes him a very beneficial food for health. It contributes to many body functions. We are going to tell you the main two:

  • Strengthens the pancreas and spleen. This occurs because contributes to the expulsion of toxins. It is very effective, for example, in cases of diarrhea or nausea. as well as for alleviate the symptoms of diabetes
  • Energizes, harmonizes and stabilizes the body. This whole grain builds tissues that provide positive effects to the digestive system. Especially the large intestine.


According to traditional Chinese medicine...

Chinese medicine attributes to the consumption of Integral rice un calming effect. It is even recommended for when you feel "overwhelmed by circumstances or you feel dim and want to make an important change to solve problems or difficult situations." According to the doctor specializing in diet therapy and Chinese medicine, Jorge Pérez-Calvo. From our Western point of view, we associate it more with this type of rice being high in vitamins of group B. which translates as beneficial for the nervous system.

Why is it not so common?

"Brown rice is more recommended due to its higher fiber content found in the outer layers of the grains. In addition to minerals and vitamins. Cristina Molina-Rosell, director of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, IATA, has assured. Cristina Molina-Rosell. However, if all the factors place it as the best type of rice, why is it not the most consumed? The price. And it is that, Although brown rice is a less processed rice, it is still more expensive.

Integral rice
brown rice bowl/ source: instagram user @ mayraorganica

It seems like the healthier a food is, the more expensive it is. Perhaps because increase your demand and companies take advantage of it to see their profits grow. Even when its production process is shorter and, therefore, requires fewer economic resources. Nevertheless, it is worth investing a little money to improve your health. Even more so when we refer to a difference of euro cents. Are you more of a fan of brown or white rice?

