Home Gastronomy Zaatar: the seven magic spices

Zaatar: the seven magic spices

In this article we present one of the most characteristic spices of the Middle East: Zaatar. Although it is not widely known in the West, its uses are countless in its place of origin. How is it done? Which are the seven spices what make it up? Let's find out!

How to prepare Zaatar?

There are seven spices that, combined, can turn any dish into a gastronomic delight. No matter how bland it is. It is even irrelevant that you do not like, for example, the liver. If you add this mixture from the Middle East you will appreciate it in another way. Zaatar comes from Lebanon, Syria Jordan, although it is also consumed in Palestine, Israelly Türkiye.

There are different ways to prepare zafar and each one brings unique nuances to the mix / Source: Pixabay

You may find this spice in supermarkets or convenience stores. Spain. However, many times the recipe is not true to the original mix. So, you should be informed if you want to sneak some food to the little ones in the house using this spice. Therefore, we explain below what it takes and how to do it.

You need:

  • Seeds of sesame 15 g
  • sum (sumac)10 g
  • Oregano dry 1 tablespoon
  • Dried thyme 1/2 tablespoon
  • Fresh thyme 1/2 tablespoon
  • Ground cumin 1 tsp
  • cumin grain 1/2 teaspoon
  • Black pepper in grain 3
  • Sal Island to taste

The first step is to toast the sesame seeds, cumin grains and peppercorns in a hot pan for a couple of minutes. Once they give off their aroma, we remove from the fire and Let it cold down. Crush the peppercorns in a mortar. Then, we mix all the spices and add a little bit of shawl. It is done! You can pass the mixture through the mortar if you want a finer texture, although it is not necessary. So, add some magic to your dishes with its slightly roasted herbaceous aroma. You dare?


