Home Fruits and vegetables Jackfruit: the new avocado

Jackfruit: the new avocado

Also known as jackfruit, jackfruit may become fashionable in the next few years. What are the benefits of this giant fruit that smells bad? Let's check it out!

Increasingly “exotic” fruits

You no longer need to live in hot and humid countries to enjoy a wide variety of fruits. Currently, international fruit trade is the order of the day. That is why we find in the supermarkets from Europe and North America products "exotic" coming from other parts of the world. The one we are dealing with today is called jackfruit.

The name should not be confused with cassava, since it is completely different. The fruit we are referring to comes from South Asia, where it is also called "breadfruit" o breadfruit. However, it does not have the good looks of other fruits such as mango. On the contrary, it is green, prickly, smells strong before opening it, and has a fibrous quality. Plus it's huge! Only one can reach the 50 kilos.

The jackfruit, or Jackfruit, is famous for the strong smell it gives off/Source: Pixabay

For this last reason, it is a key food for the inhabitants of India, Bangladesh, Thailand y Vietnam that feed on it. Despite everything, the jackfruit It is a very healthy food that can replace meat if done properly. We refer to a product with more protein than other fruits. It is also rich in iron and excellent for those who suffer from anemia.

What other properties does the jackfruit have?

Potassium, calcium and iron are other of its strengths. We cannot forget the taste, which is quite neutral although sweetish y slightly acid. So it goes with just about everything. Thus, it enriches the food with nutrients without you almost realizing it. On the other hand, the seeds they are also edible. These are rich in carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein.

Today it is beginning to be seen in supermarkets of United States y Netherlands. These exhibit it as the star among all the fruits, showing off its exoticism. They also boast other healthy properties such as facilitating digestion and improve the immune system. Next we leave your nutritional balance:

  • 95 Calories
  • Total fat 0,6 g
  • Sodium 2 mg
  • Potassium 448 mg
  • Carbohydrates 23 g
  • Food fiber 1,5 g
  • Sugars 19 g
  • 1,7 g proteins
  • Vitamin C 13,7mh
  • Calcium 24 mg
  • Iron 0,2 mg
  • Vitamin B6 0,3 mg
  • Magnesium 29 mg

Take care of the vision through the Vitamin A. It also improves the condition of the skin by promoting the creation of collagen through the Vitamin C. In addition, it serves to reduce and control blood pressure. It is very likely that these benefits imply that its cultivation spreads to other areas. When falling from a tree, you can create forests, if done properly, in which to preserve local life while cultivating. Is this a viable option to protect nature? Did you know this fruit?
