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Tag: Flour

Artificial protein to save the climate

Find out how an artificial protein can change agriculture forever. Is humanity ready for microbes to take over from...

Persimmon flour

There is persimmon flour! You are probably wondering how this can come out of a fruit. Don't worry because below we explain the...

Other flours

There are many people who, for different reasons, demand other flours. In this article you will see that there is life beyond wheat. It's more,...

Sobao pasiego, the wings of Cantabria

The sobao pasiego is a great product of Cantabrian cuisine that also has PGI. Its presentation and flavor make it a rich dessert. Find out!

Types of healthy flours and their culinary uses

It is increasingly necessary to find healthy types of flour if we want to avoid the damage of refined flour. Get to know the best ones for your kitchen.

Tuliva, original plating and with the Km 0 stamp

An edible container to add originality to recipes triumphed at the last Ecotrophelia Awards. We have interviewed the creators of Tuliva.

New bread quality standard approved

The Council of Ministers has validated this Friday, April 26, a new bread quality standard that affects its production and sale. These are the improvements.

Pancake or American pancakes recipe

On this Shrove Tuesday here in Spain, other countries like the United Kingdom celebrate the day of this sweet. We give you a recipe for pancake or American pancakes.