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Label: Cholesterol

Milk and cholesterol, is there a relationship or not?

The University of Reading has conducted a study to analyze the link between milk and cholesterol. The results are very interesting.

Flora Omega 3, the care based on algae

Flora Omega 3 is Pascual's new bet for cardiovascular care. Its nutritional properties of plant origin surprise. Get to know it!

Good and bad cholesterol in food

Although its levels improve in richer countries, it still causes millions of deaths. We tell you what is good and bad cholesterol.

Is it healthy to eat turkey? Alternative with myth

The meat of this bird is an interesting option to replace chicken or other types of meat products, but is it healthy to eat turkey? Attentive!

Trans fats are limited in the EU

The European Commission adopted last Wednesday the 24th the regulation that will affect artificial trans fats with only 2 grams per 100 of food.

Virgin olive oil, investment in health

Consuming virgin oil or extra virgin oil means investing in our health. These two types of oils provide us with a high level of monounsaturated fats and oleic acid that help us reduce coronary risks, cholesterol levels and risks of thrombosis since they also have a high level of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.