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Tag: algae

Seaweed, from the sea to the table

Seaweed is experiencing a culinary renaissance around the world, captivating chefs and food lovers alike with its extraordinary flavor, nutritional value and environmental benefits.

Microalgae cheese?

How microalgae cheese? Until very recently we thought that it came exclusively from milk. However, technical progress allows it to...

Seaweed as a garnish

Seaweed as a garnish is a reality that has already arrived. In this article we discover the business of Consuelo Guerra, a marine scientist...

Estrella Galicia with barnacles is here

After the success of last year, the factory reissues its recipe for Estrella Galicia with barnacles from Costa da Morte with one hundred thousand liters that will go on the market.

Aquaculture, the fisheries of the present

Explains the situation of aquaculture, the species that are raised, their methods and their feeding