Home Organic Raw food: is it healthier raw?

Raw food: is it healthier raw?

Everyone has heard that vegetables better preserve their nutrients if you eat them raw. However, there is a current whose philosophy takes this precept to the extreme. Does the raw vegan diet ring a bell? Well raw food it's almost the same. Is it really healthier not to cook? Does it carry danger? Let's find out!

Raw foods: what goes inside?

The premise is simple: do not eat anything that has been cooked at more than 45 degrees centigrade to prevent nutrient loss. Thus, only fruits, vegetables, seeds, sprouts, algae, spices remain. Oil (first press), nuts, unpasteurized dairy products, meat unpasteurized raw also make the list. In fact, the latter is the difference with the raw vegan diet.

Their defenders ensure that the jaw of the human being is not prepared for cooked food. Therefore, the body reacts much better to raw food. They also relate health benefits of different kinds. For example, they highlight the energy contribution and ensure that it slows down the process of aging.

fruit/raw food
Imperfect fruits and vegetables / Source: Treze Marketing

So I would keep the leather and fresh mind. It also helps prevent diabetes by removing the sugars and carbohydrates that cause disease. Another important factor is environmental, since it generates less waste and consumes less water and energy.

The cons

However, not everything is so pretty. That is, their followers may have significant nutritional deficiencies. It is the case of iron or the proteins. In the case of proteins we must give a clarification on the biological value from the same. Roughly speaking, meat contains the different amino acids that favor the absorption of these. Meanwhile, legumes and cereals have them separately. In this way, it is convenient to mix them.

However, this is made difficult by not being able to cook rice or legumes such as lentils. Moreover, the lack of cooking can cause other problems. For example, raw lentils contain lecithin. It is an antinutrient that blocks the absorption of different minerals. Of course they can be germinated in order to eat them, however not everyone knows this.

The conclusion

Due to the extreme complexity of this diet, it is essential that its initiates consult with A professional. His work is essential to specify the best way to follow the diet according to the needs and the state of each person. What's more, this diet may be the one for you, just not forever.

amino acids lentils
Eating raw lentils poses a health risk / Source: Pixabay

So, you are not interested if you are looking to increase your muscle mass. However, it may come in handy for Lose Weight. Whatever happens, we recommend that you adapt the diet to your needs. That is, food is not based on dogma. It may be that different aspects of different diets do you good if you combine them. Now, what do you think of the concept? raw food? Do you think it will catch on in the western world?
