Home Cheese, dairy and eggs Casín cheese: the singular and ancient Asturian treasure

Casín cheese: the singular and ancient Asturian treasure

Keeping traditions alive is something that is taken very seriously in Asturias; especially in areas such as gastronomy. The northern community is the cradle of great products and is recognized worldwide, among other things, for its cheese unique - each more particular. Among them, is the treasure with the most history of the councils of Caso, Piloña and Sobrescobio: the Casin cheese. This, in addition to its uniqueness, stands out for being one of the oldest cheeses in Spain ... and maybe even in the world. Do you want to know it? Go!

Casín cheese: origin and history

The truth is that, despite not knowing for sure when the production of this cheese with DOP, yes it is known that it has a long haul. Already in the fourteenth century there were references to the product -which was used as payment to the feudal lordships- and, in addition, the technique of producing the curd indicates that its beginnings date back thousands of years. Enric Canut, a cheese specialist, stated for the cheese website that “it is part of that group of cheeses made in the Cantabrian Mountains that roots directly with the Neolithic and with the first settlers who arrived at the spine of the Peninsula ”.

Artisan and limited elaboration

Knowing this we can say that, without a doubt, the Casin cheese It is part of the deep-rooted Asturian tradition. So much so that its elaboration, very exclusive and particular, today it continues to be faithfully artisan, ancestral and laborious; which limits its production to a few cheese factories that ensure that the quality that characterizes this dairy product is maintained over the generations.

What is special about making this cheese made with Cow milk? Mainly, the way to make curd with which it is produced. In the end, the low temperatures and the rainy and cloudy climate of the area translate into a moisture that hinders common drying Of the same. That is why curd kneading arises, nowadays made with the rabilar machine, which consists of joining several curds in one piece and whose result is much more compact and durable.

Once they mature, they are given a pyramidal shape -an appearance reminiscent of Galician teat cheese-, so that all the whey drains. That, along with other techniques, have made the Casin cheese a unique variety -does not share their manufacturing technique with any other cheese- and easy to differentiate about neighboring productions.

Casin cheese
Casín cheese, Asturian treasure | Source: dopquesocasin.es

What is Casín cheese like?

To begin with, it is a small cheese, which in itself makes it a curious product. In addition, it has a curious characteristic: the crust is so smooth that you could even say that it is nonexistent; being all uniform in terms of maturation, compact and of a dark yellow color. It is also striking that the bark is decorated with different patterns, each being the identification stamp of its maker. 

It is a cheese with a lot of character and a lot of history, so it has a strong and intense aroma on the nose. In the mouth it is not far behind: spicy, powerful -so much so that perhaps for them not used to that intensity it may be surprising-, and with a characteristic buttery flavor characteristic of having been seasoned by time. Of course, depending on the number of times it is kneaded, the intensity of its flavors varies. 

It has, of course, a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), since the main objective is maintain the quality and origin of such a special cheese and important for the culture of Asturias. The geographical territory of its elaboration includes the southern area of ​​the community, made up of, as we said before, Caso, Piloña and Sobrescobio.

The possibilities of this gastronomic treasure

A product of such quality and with such a characteristic and extraordinary flavor is the perfect ingredient for high-end dishes. Therefore, from the PDO Casín Cheese and in collaboration with the pastry chef and chef Rubén Díaz García and the students of some Hospitality Schools, they have created a recipe with the Asturian product as the protagonist. From croquettes to fritters; salads, burgers, meats, seafood, or breads. Also sweet preparations: stuffed apples, ice cream or tartlets. Either way, this is a product full of possibilities. 

Casin cheese
Croquettes made with Casín cheese | Source: dopquesocasin.es

El Casin cheese it is origin, culture and tradition. It is taste, it is quality and it is craftsmanship. One of many products with Asturias brand that, due to their qualities, stand out not only nationally but internationally. It is a clear example that, although the years go by and new gastronomic approaches and techniques continue to be discovered, there is still room for business as usual. Have you already been able to taste it? What do you think?
