Home Getaway What and where to eat in Panama?

What and where to eat in Panama?

Panama is one of the most interesting and visited from Latin America. Its gastronomy has captivated all its visitors thanks to the large number of ethnicities y cultures that populate the country. But… where can we eat in Panama? Today we talk about restaurants located in the capital. ¡Descúbrelo!

Eating in Panama without making a mistake

In the gastronomy of Panama there is a fairly common element that is common to several dishes and that surely sounds familiar to you: el rice. However, it is not the only usual ingredient. The corn and the banana are also often seen for several very several, and depending on the area we visit, fish, shellfish and meat will also be part of very important from the menu.

The ingredients Panamanians are not too different from many of the dishes that we can find in Europe. The most typical of this region are the estate and tubers such as yams, otoe, ñampí, yucca and the potato. Despite the fact that rice is in many cases the main food, and on which they rely to make the recipe, the truth is that the flavors of these vary a lot thanks to the plugins.

Rice is one of the key foods in Panamanian cuisine.
Rice is one of the key foods in Panamanian cuisine | Source: Pixabay

As we have said before, gastronomy panamanian drink from a lot of different cultures. Among its most exponents habitual, we find the kitchen of culture hispanic or African, Amerindian and Afro-Antillean. Thanks to the incorporation of elements from these countries, Panama has managed to create its own style of food that enjoys much personality and flavor.

The most Panamanian dishes

Many of the dishes in the gastronomy Panamanian are especially known internationally. However, if you are looking for dishes 100% characteristic of this region, here we will offer you a list with a selection staff and ingredients. This way you will always have at hand a directory of what you cannot miss if you decide to travel to this country so interesting.

We have already told you that the rice It is the main ingredient of the gastronomy of Panama, and one of its variants most famous culinary is the guacho. If you visit the country, it is one of the most typical dishes that you can eat in Panama. Made with rice and green beans, the guacho is cooked in a thick soup of vegetables, meat, cassava, yams and coriander. Without a doubt, an experience of Panamanian flavor.

Sancocho, a dish that must be eaten in Panama
Sancocho, a dish that must be eaten in Panama | Source: Pixabay

Another of the typical dishes in this region, and in many other countries of Latin America, is the sancocho. This dish is a highly seasoned vegetable soup, to which different types of meat and root vegetables are added. And it is not the only one soup people of Panama Others broths Popular are meat soup, cow leg soup, bean soup, and seafood soup.

Places to eat in Panama

With a travel always have to do several meals a day be able to try all kinds of experiences gastronomic. If you are looking to start the day with strength to visit the city, we recommend having breakfast at little white lies. It is a cake shop handmade, so you can also visit it at the time of the picnic. Its typical Panamanian sweets and its freshly brewed coffee are ideal for taking off the sheets first thing in the morning.

Various artisan cakes
Various artisan cakes | Source: Pixabay

However, if what you are looking for is to taste a delicious sancocho, El Trapiche It is an excellent option to stop at eating. with their prices economic and his kitchen purely panamanian, you can try several starters and very varied dishes that can complete your stay without any problem. However, it is that soup Panamanian dish that stands out above its sister dishes. Definitely a stop mandatory.

Finally, for a bit of variation, dinner can to focus in one of the most notorious gastronomic cultures of the country. Lung Fungh It is a Chinese food restaurant that can be turned into the parade ideal after soaking up the culture panamanian during the rest of the day. A local haunted by a large number of Chinese families that undoubtedly brings the best of the Asian region to Latin America.

What do you think? Have you wanted to visit Panama?
