Home News More than gourmet, what really matters?

More than gourmet, what really matters?

I was recently talking to one of the best gourmets y gourmets that I know, in addition to being an intelligent and sensitive person, he caused me to reflect. The conversation revolved around the importance of emotions when tasting any product. Although we were basically talking about gourmet product, premium o of excellence we can surely transfer it to any product.

All that thought led me to the next question, can a person be called? gourmet product o premium just because its qualities are exquisite ?. Can you ignore how it has been produced or elaborated? Does it matter if it has been respectful with the the environment? What's more, has it been respectful to the people who have made it? Surely few people would ask themselves these questions a few decades ago. Obviously the answer is never the same and depends on the cultural level or the country where you live. But in my opinion The values ​​behind the product and the people cannot be ignored.

Half stories, more than Gourmet

Increasingly, the importance of being able to count the product history. However, like all stories it always depends who tells it. It should be noted that there are companies that are respectful of their environmentWith its staff and they defend the product and its excellence to the maximum. Others do what they can to get the maximum margin without paying attention to their surroundings. There are even those who take good care of the environment and nothing people.

Child exploitation cocoa. Photo: EG
Child exploitation cocoa. Photo: EG

The correct way would be pay what a gourmet product is worth y know for sure what's behind it. Because a product is tasted to the maximum at its correct temperature, with an excellent company, with a great pairing ... NA Despite this, the ultimate it is achieved when you can appreciate and enjoy it all knowing that you have been honest since its inception. Probably a product cannot be exquisite if you know that the price paid has exploited o ruined to some link in the chain.

Sustainable, respectful and fair

When purchasing gourmet and premium products, we should demand that behind them there are no stories that negatively affect the environment. It happens with many distant products, but sometimes not so far, linked to the deforestation, having a water or CO2 footprint very worrying. I'm thinking of some meat and coffee production scandals in America and Asia. Also from labor exploitation such as cocoa in Africa. Or very close cases of environmental problems in vegetable farms, of economic abuse in the dairy sector or in the wine sector.

Deforestation to create crop fields. Photo: Efe / more than a Gourmet product
Deforestation to create crop fields. Photo: Efe

What is asked is probably idyllic, but since the gourmet public pays a high price for a product, it is only fair to ask for it. We should become aware that the value of the product goes beyond what we taste and is linked to the values ​​that have brought it to our table. Anyway ... the topic is already on the table. Serve like a grain of sand, it is said and written!
