Home Gastronomy Mixture of flavors in Guatemala

Mixture of flavors in Guatemala

Located in the center of the American continent, Guatemala it has become an important business center and a perfect tourist destination. With a territory a little larger than 108.800 km2, the country offers us a wide range of alternatives in its gastronomy. Find out how that is here mixture of flavors in Guatemala and what two foods is the basis for your entire kitchen.

The population has a unique culture, coming from the coexistence between 22 Mayan, Ladino and Garífuna ethnic groups. The official language is Spanish, however, 23 other languages ​​are also spoken: 21 Mayans, one Garífuna and one Xinca. The warm climate of the Guatemalan coast is perfectly balanced by the temperate climate of the highlands. All this has led the country to be recognized for having one of the best and healthiest climates in the world. For this reason it is known as "the country of Eternal Spring."

Cultural mix in the mixture of flavors in Guatemala

After the arrival of the Spanish culture, several culinary customs were obtained in terms of the method of preparing the typical foods of the country. Their own autochthonous ethnic group or different indigenous groups were mixed, such as the Mayan culture and the gastronomy of Spain. This fact makes some dishes also closely resemble some of the Mexican cuisine.

So, in that mixture of flavors in Guatemala, the typical foods are influential of many of the products that enrich these gastronomies. These were known in Europe thanks to the Spanish culture and later to the rest of the world.

Mixture of flavors in Guatemala

Its base, corn and tomato

Such is the case of chocolate (cocoa), avocado, variety of chili peppers, vanilla and tomato. Guatemalan gastronomy has as one of its bases the corn. It has a great variety of dishes in which the use of this grass is essential. So is the tomato used in the preparation of various errands and 'chirmoles'.

Furthermore, the chile, being used more in some cultural regions than in others, it is essential for certain recipes such as guateque chili, pass, sweet or zambo. Bill bean It is another essential ingredient, the most consumed being black. This is part of the daily diet in Guatemalan homes and enters the Mixture of flavors in Guatemala.

All the seeds It is also an essential part of the gastronomies of the typical foods of Guatemala, as are the nugget squash or sesame. These are used to thicken and flavor different typical foods. Also the cocoa beans that are elaborated in the meals for the rituals of the Mayan zones. Without neglecting aromatic herbs They are used for the seasoning of many dishes, such is the case of parsley, coriander, mint leaf or samas.
