Home Fruits and vegetables The importance of skin melon wrinkles

The importance of skin melon wrinkles

Could you find out what curious link may exist between the wrinkles of your skin with the skin of the toad melon? A surprising campaign to take Frutas Bruñó melons even higher is the answer. Today we tell you.

The value of wrinkles

What if we turned into fruit? Would we be able to see beyond the skin? ». The popular melon brand Burnished Fruits has decided to reclaim the value of wrinkles with a campaign entitled "The melon fable". It speaks of the melon writing, that is, of the characteristic wrinkles of the toad's skin, which imply experience and maturity. Together with weight, size and hardness are the fundamental characteristics to know if a melon is ripe and ready for consumption.

The melon fable is a piece of fiction with a very real base, where the problem of ageism is addressed in a society marked by the cult of beauty and youth. Likewise, in the announcement of this surprising campaign, a theater audition is recreated, where an actress with a senior profile addresses the members of the jury to recite a veiled message. in favor of wrinkles. With it he intends to encourage people to look under the skin to discover the true value of people.

Toad skin melon
Toad skin melons | Source: Comefruta.es

The war against ageism

El ageism it is defined as stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination against people because of their age. Together with sexism and racism, this problem has become one of the main causes of discrimination and exclusion, especially in the workplace.

There are currently some 600 million people who suffer it in the world, age 60 and over, and this number is projected to reach 2.000 billion by 2050, the vast majority of them in developing countries. In addition, a report by Adecco narrates that 52% of the CVs of professionals over 55 are discarded automatically, the percentage of unemployed seniors is increasing, and that on the other hand, entrepreneurs over 50 have a higher success rate, thanks to their experience.

For this reason, in Frutas Bruñó they have counted to reflect ageism in their campaign with three actresses belonging to the group called “50 up". They are Begoña Caparrós, Antonella Pinto and Maite Merino and they relate their personal experiences in the artistic world once they passed 50. Although the true creators of this group are Gloria Vega and Susana Martíns. They did it with the aim of making themselves visible on social networks and thus reaching the entire population easily, quickly and directly to facilitate the search for actresses from a certain age, casting directors, film directors, from theater, producers, etc. They intend to value their personality, experience and mastery of the profession in the Performing and Audiovisual Arts.

Toad skin melon
The fight against ageism | Source: Qida.es

Who is behind Frutas Bruñó and its famous piel de sapo melon?

About us Burnished Fruits It has been dedicated to fruit cultivation for more than four decades, paying special attention to melons, although you also grow watermelons, tangerines, oranges and clementines. They also define the Piel de Sapo melon as a sweet, juicy variety with a long life that is reflected in its wrinkles.

Its history dates back to 1977, when the brothers Francisco and José Bruñó they founded the company under a very clear premise: to seek excellence in the product. Today, thanks to their evolution, they export to international countries such as France and Italy. The 90% of your product is certified by Global GAP, an international standard for safe and sustainable production, in order to benefit producers, retailers and consumers around the world.

Toad skin melon
Bruno Brothers | Source: Frutasbruno.com

Thanks to campaigns as creative as that of Burnished Not only do they seek to obtain more sales in the melon sector, but they also help society to open the mind and understand that the passage of time, experience and maturity are part of life. What did you think of the campaign? Have you figured out the connection between wrinkles and toad skin melon?
