Home Oils and vinegars 3 foods for your brain

3 foods for your brain

Eating is just as important as eating well. A healthy diet is essential for the proper functioning of the body and mind. We all know this, but what we do not all know is that there are some foods that are more suitable for different parts of the body. We are going to name 3 very important foods for the proper functioning of your body, especially the brain. It also won't hurt to know some of the foods that do just the opposite: produce negative effects on the brain.

We go on to name these three great products with their characteristics and benefits:

3 great foods for the brain

1. Extra virgin olive oil: 

Olive oil, especially the extra virgin, (since it is the best quality) has enviable organoleptic and nutritional qualities. For this reason, in Spain and in many other places it is called "liquid gold". For its great value, taste and price.

Specifically, extra virgin olive oil contains a high value in monounsaturated fats. In addition, it is scientifically proven to prevent multiple diseases. It is also a vegetable source of omega 3. The good oils produced by our lands help improve the oxygenation of the brain. Provides vitamin E, which is especially good for preventing dementia. According to studies carried out, older people who consumed more than 16 mg per day of this oil had 67% less risk of developing dementia than others who did not consume it.

2. Mackerel against cognitive decline:

It is well known by all that fish in general is a product that provides a very important amount of nutrients such as proteins or fatty acids and these are essential for the proper development of the brain. Mr. Fernando-Gómez Pinilla, professor and neuroscientist at the University of California assures us that Omega-3 "has a component called DHA that is also found in the outer layers of nerve cells and helps protect the brain from cognitive decline, in addition to reversing the damage caused by oxidative stress at the brain level" .

3. Red fruits and berries:

These fruits are highly valued and contain a large amount of essential nutrients for our brain. A healthy brain needs a sufficient supply (not excessive) of vitamins and minerals. E and C are powerful antioxidants that help reduce brain stress. But there is more: vitamins of group B, for example, they are necessary to produce energy, synthesize and repair DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid, which is the messenger of genetic information in the body) and numerous neurochemical molecules; and the D catalyzes the synthesis of neurotransmitters and is involved in the development of the nervous system.

Among the minerals, the iron stimulates cognitive activity, participates in the production of neurotransmitters and improves the ability to concentrate. Zinc supports the immune system and helps control neuronal impulses. By last, Copper it is necessary for the development of brain functions, as well as for the synthesis of certain enzymes. This is corroborated by this study by ScienceDirect.
