Home News Gastronomy and dental health

Gastronomy and dental health

In gastronomy and food, health is a main element. In addition to feeding ourselves and the pleasure of enjoying good gastronomy, taking into account some tips is important to prevent some harmful effects. In this article we are going to address some tips to improve our dental health through gastronomy.

We all know that there are foods that affect our dental health, especially those rich in sugar since they can cause tooth decay problems. It is also true that although there are foods that have a negative effect, there are also those that have a very positive effect. A good example of this are all foods rich in calcium where dairy products have a special role. So cheese, milk and yogurt are allies of our teeth. It is important to remember that the addition of sugar to these foods has a negative effect. Rich in calcium and very interesting, we also find fish such as anchovies and small fish, especially if we eat bones and vegetables such as broccoli and cabbages.

Fluoride is also a great ally of our teeth. Foods rich in fluoride are mainly fish such as salmon, sardines, anchovies, cod, etc. Some dried fruits such as walnuts also have a good supply of fluoride. The same thing happens with phosphorus, a mineral that helps protect and rebuild tooth enamel and is present in many fish as well as many legumes such as lentils and chickpeas.

Another great ally is vitamins. Vitamin D is fixed by the sun and is present in eggs and dairy products. Vitamin C for gum health and very present in citrus fruits and vitamin A present in fruits and vegetables help a lot with dental health.


Some gastronomic foods that do not help dental health


Other foods do not help us improve our dental health. A very clear case is coffee and tea, which, due to their acidity and high tannin content, stain our teeth. The same thing happens with red wine and some vinegars. Blackberries and blueberries cause spots due to their high pigment content.


In the case of citrus fruits, they appear as good foods for their contribution of vitamins and bad for their acidity in oral health. The same thing happens with nuts, which provide good mineralization but their high sugar content and texture and hardness can help cause cavities.


A good tip is to increase dental cleaning when we eat these foods. If it is difficult at times, drinking a glass of water to somewhat mitigate the effects can help us.
