Home Gastronomy Edamame: a crazy pod?

Edamame: a crazy pod?

Does he sound like something to you? edamame? It is a very popular snack in Japan and in China which comes from soybeans. Without a doubt, this is a completely versatile plant with which you can do anything. Let them tell the Vegetarians! Well, in this article we deal with one of the most curious ways to prepare it. You can even make it at home!

Edamame: what is it?

It is very likely that the term sounds familiar to you if you know something about gastronomy Japanese beyond the sushi. The truth is that many people have seen it and some have eaten it here in the West. However, few know how it is done. So, we proceed to unravel the mystery. Are green pods They come from the soybean plant and contain its seeds. However, these by themselves are not edamame. To get this food you must boil in salted water those that have not yet fully matured.

And who says boil says cook steamed, Baked or microwave oven. There are different ways to prepare it and each one brings different nuances. In addition, they can be accompanied with a number of different sauces. The soy sauce vinaigrette and the yellow pepper are two clear examples. You can also bake them with grated partisan and ground pepper. You can even taste these pods as an appetizer, the traditional way in Asia.

Edamame pods with their grains/Source: Pixabay

As if they were pipes, you put one end in your mouth while pressing the other so that the seeds come out. In restaurants it is usually served hot. It was precisely these who brought the edamame to Spain. Even today you can also find it in stores specializing in Chinese imports. In these it is usually called "maodou", since in China it has another name. You can even find the pod in supermarkets as Day to prepare edamame at home!


The first documented reference to this food refers us to the year 1275. Thus, in this year, the well-known Buddhist monk Japanese Nichiren wrote a thank you note to a parishioner for the edamame he had left at the temple. On the other hand, it took him a little longer to arrive in China. In the century XVII That was when it became known as "maodou" o « hairy pimple«. However, they were already consumed since the nineteenth century. XV. Has this curious oriental appetizer surprised you?

